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Everything posted by janetDAYZ

  1. I'm not pushing for Janet to "make" an album cus she sounds to uncertain about it, not eager...and we Kno what happens when artists juss put an album together juss for the sake of... Usually be TRASH. I'll say this, if she wants to put an EP out to hold us over until she feels completely motivated and inspired to make a GOOD album w/ depth..then I'm all for it. Who wouldn't want an appetizer before the main course? EP + Album >>>>> Album The more news music , the better... Like Duh
  2. A COMPLETE FUCKING MESS. IM HIGHLY IRRITATED. To think, this woman hasn't interviewed in yearssssss and these ppl seem either unprepared or not focused in enough to really ask Janet good questions. Dropping the fuckin ball
  3. MTV oddly got Madonna cus they gotta stay "white" ...they wouldn't be the VMAs that ppl know of them to be if they had (god forbid) got some BLACK artists who actually have similarities musically and vocally to The Queen of Soul. If anything this showcases how safe they are instead of trying to pretend to be the "edgy" network . Please.
  4. Who cares best selling album globally >> best selling album in America They could have saved this "info" . Next
  5. I can not believe how bothered and bitter she is over not getting the #1 spot. Im appalled and she is disgusting for this. Tryna tear another down to build yourself up?? Really? Bitch, be a grown as fucking woman and ACCEPT what is instead of kicking and screaming in the sandbox like a 5 year old. Bitch, I'm embarrassed for you
  6. Already see all those..honestly didn't think they were post worth cus they were so damn short ..oh, and somebody go get Gil.. he's on IG live bothered that fans be talking bout him "Yeah, I can get petty too...why shouldn't I? Y'all talk shit about me all the time, but never come up in my IG live to say it, you say it in other places then people send me the receipts..now what?!" Gil, sit yo 40+ year old ass down somewhere. If what you do doesnt fit ppls taste..it is wtf it is.
  7. Welp, she was wrong on that cus predictions is showing he's gonna be #1 and she's gonna be #2
  8. Definitely the best "Late night" show performance she's EVER done. And I would go on to say one of the best televised performances she's ever done PERIOD! ??????????????????????????????????
  9. Yall Charlamagne would never try Janet. He knows who to pull that slick mouth shit with. He never speaks ill to icons/legends...I will say he DOES have respect for those with a higher caliber. if you notice he only talks crazy to current acts and/or the lessors
  10. I swear that kid irks my soul. "that's dumb" "Y'all weird" "Y'all crazy" Boy Stfu! Christ! Your opinion doesn't reign supreme. Your opinion isnt "right" ...it's all subjective,idiot. Get off ya high horse bitch, you ain't NOBODY SPECIAL... AT ALL
  11. ppl are weird cus they may have different taste and/or opinions than you? ? your comment is what's weird
  12. It's definitely refreshing..it's like this "new" refreshed Janet that has emerged that we haven't seen in awhile. I wouldn't call it hungry for success, cus I truly think she already feels accomplished.. it's more of us seeing how she still has a passion for what she loves which is entertainment. She seems to be back in love with the public, her fans and juss the entertainment world as a whole cus she seemed tired of the limelight during that period w/ her husband
  13. It's almost extremely strange to see and hear about her being on anything to promote since that has not been her thing for sooooo long.
  14. So let me get this straight.. this 50 year old man ran crying to you about a dude (that you don't care about) and the same dude's butt he stays kissing, talking bout he's doing him dirty? I'm so confused Please make it make sense cus that's weird on so many levels ?????
  15. Wait, you saying Bailey has been in your inbox complaining about Norman doing him dirty? Is that what I read?
  16. Basically Jbailey interjecting himself in drama that doesn't involve him (as always) and furthermore playing a hand is causing more friction (as always) between two members who don't care for each other. Joe was basically calling him out (rightfully so) and the other person he doesn't care for which is Norman. That's it in a nutshell
  17. Absolutely not. One thing about Janet (especially now) is that she's half confident along w/ not giving af. Meaning she is bold but whatever the results are, she accepts them and keep it moving. When Janet has arenas that don't sell out she doesn't come off bothered or pressed about it. She's more of the type that looks at the glass half full instead of half empty so HELL NAH I don't think she's scared of low attendance at all.
  18. Janet, why aren't you touring overseas tho? ? That is the real question
  19. I've always said if Janet had the high caliber of production that Madonna had for SB it would be OVER. Janet would literally shut down every performer you know. Only if Gil wasn't apart of it.
  20. We've heard this before in the last interview he did. The only thing different this time is he said the show tells a "story"
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