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Everything posted by janetDAYZ

  1. Queen of singles artists - belongs to..... the ONe and ONLY
  2. That..more than likely would go to Gloria
  3. Oh and you forgot to add one.. Queen of FLOPS - Mya/Brandy
  4. Mariah nor Whitney is da queen of shit! ..Maybe ballads
  5. U act like Michelle shit aint usually LAID ...dont do it
  6. I was a senior in HS when it came on and the next day ppl at school was talking about her butchering it too but Im thinking...Thats Macy's style of singing...Thats what makes her her...I dont get what ppl was expected. Dont be mad at Macy..THEY chose her..she didnt call them
  7. Um...my watch is telling me that was damn near 10 years ago...besides Janet enjoyed it
  8. Did yall even listen? ...The lady actually sounded good the way she sand it..
  9. acting? She's ALWAYS believeable in the raw characters she play (even tho they are small roles)...She was convincing in FCG
  10. Usually the "Oscar buzz" talk ups da antee of ppl running to theaters.. it seemed to have little affect. Maybe they missed a few mill becuz they wasnt on Oprah ..
  11. So when Chelsea Lately dressed up as her for the opening on the VMA's a few months back (making fun of her) Gaga didnt mind but she's tripping with Eva for doing it?... I slightly find this hard to believe since Gaga usually never trips about being made fun of cuz she doesnt even take herself seriously...this is just odd..if its true
  12. This is all a mess.. The man is gone and STILL cant get proper handlings with his work
  13. I would have expected this to be Tyler's biggest opener...Im surprised by this
  14. Eva is one of the most stunning women on the planet to me.
  15. Fuck it drawing up publicity....rre ppl gonna wanna buy an album that has speculation of it even having Mikes voice on it?
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