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Everything posted by FreelovesJJ

  1. It's all love always it was just an observation, just like when she was having a serious moment breaking the news of her tour & issue with Wissam & Randy joked about her weight. If we knew her personally I'm sure it wouldn't be something she wouldn't be able to handle. She looks like she's laughing & doing great not really upset or struggling to pull it together. She looks quite confident. You know what, maybe. She's been around and kept around long enough to possibly be. That could explain why she went from Joe to Janet & it makes sense to keep family close but I'm not sure.
  2. I think she can be on point & I think sometimes she misses the mark but I think it's more so just her choice of vibe. When she's on she epic but when not it's far off. It's like no in between. She's so dope though I love that she does what she wants. Seriously...she doesn't have to be on for anyone & she's still Janet Jackson. It's like fuck all that extra shit. I don't have time.
  3. While this has some relevance it's just an observation that she's a hit or miss dresser. That's including times she's dressed up vs dressed down. Don't forget the pink tutu kinda look when she was with JD or the weed belt hippie look, or the saggy pants that's been here for years at this point...she has moments where she's hit or miss. It's fine...we can use every excuse ever it's just a part of her simplistic way & it is what it is.
  4. So the point is - she goes to court how she feels. Sometimes she's hit. Sometimes she's miss. The purpose has NOTHING to do with the outfit. If ANYTHING her being the center of attention in this case is usually when people dress up. Lawyers wear suits or dresses, clients tend to do the same. When it's handling business you tend to wear what SOME would consider business attire. I personally don't care either way...but the point is - the excuse of why she isn't has nothing to do with the opinion of her being a hit or miss dresser. I've seen ppl praising the boots but upset someone didn't feel the outfit lol
  5. Wait, he's just saying overall he doesn't think she can dress. Let's flip the script...Janet going to court for the death of her brother looked AMAZING & when she did - despite the deep, dark, & grieving time that was commented on & praised...why is it that this has to be seen as any different. Both equal observations just diff opinions. No attack Ijs.
  6. It's very true. I have this convo with my friend all the time. Janet is VERY hit or miss & often more miss - BUT what I do love about her is her lack of trying to be "ON" or glamorous. She does what she wants & she's not putting on for ANYONE. I love that. It makes her feel very normal & not so out of touch. She's over all the celeb hype of big make up & all that. She's just vibing - but she can't really dress.
  7. it is & she's known Janet since she was a child. She used to work with Joe. So she's more like family than some random.
  8. I think Prince was initially supposed to sing WHYDFML & in that case it probably would have worked but he's the only one I can see pulling it off.
  9. I'm hype to hear him say they're working on something now, I always thought the idea of an EP is great but it also sounds like he could have misunderstood the question despite the fact he also seemed to move on from it quickly. On purpose. And with him saying it's in brainstorming mode & they don't have to really gear up - it sounds like they might be pulling from songs in their arsenal...I remember him saying that they were working on music shortly after the tour stopped. Edit: Never mind he said - yes we are actually.
  10. These dancers from UB are KILLING UCAP? Who is better?
  11. Yea honestly, to me, these last dancers were honestly the best group of dancers Janet has had since maybe RWU tour. These girls outside of Janet's choreography are epic on their own. The YouTube videos of them are crazy. They can hold their own. If Janet does as men back in I think it would be nice to see guys like Nick Bass & some of the other guys who add a more rugged dynamic. When that happens it also shows how great Janet is being able to keep up with it & it's an energy balance.
  12. I was perfectly fine without the men, especially the feminized dancers that had performed it on UCAP. They didn't add anything to the performance that it didn't have without their presence on Unbreakable. When I watch UB the routine worked perfectly & looked great. It doesn't NEED men.
  13. That's not the point I'm making at all. I think my speculation is being taken outta pocket. What I'm saying is they will VERY MUCH so remain married and not divorced. A separation is not a divorce it also does not have to be public, it could remain private. Her telling us, & if there is a Netflix doc means she actually is going against her privacy standard for whatever reason. Remember we didn't even know Janet was married until she was divorced before. We also didn't know Janet was married to Wissam until she told it. No wedding photos or nothing - she has mastered privacy & I am of the belief we ONLY know what she wants to be known. That's all I'm saying.
  14. I hear you - just very odd to me. If they had such an injunction why even announce it when you both are intently private? We only know because it was "leaked". Not to mention, most remember the publicity surrounding Paul McCartney's divorce and they were in London. I'm betting they will work on it & it will survive. I hope someone remembers this statement for when it all plays out.
  15. the thing is I highly doubt Janet is getting divorced. If she was, we would have heard about it when the papers were filed. Not just at separation & these "sources" continue to say - "never say never" about them getting back together. Janet has never really operated in a potentially returning space. There's more to it.
  16. She is probably planning some big reveal, and I have a feeling tour outfits will 100% be different. I don't think she's going back to "sexy" but I do think she will have more form fitting things. I think this also would be some of what she would show on her doc, if that's a true rumor. And I've been the skeptical one about the break up between her & Wissam since the jump & still am. And this line that keeps popping up only make more sense FOR ME to my own personal theory - "Janet and her husband are separated, but have a mutual love and admiration for each other," the source noted. "There doesn’t seem to be a reconciliation in the future, but never say never."
  17. I believe you're right when talking about Rene. I know there are more times I'm sure...when she talked about her relationship or family
  18. Yea if she can do a Rockumentary meets Rachel's "Planet Groove" (I think that was the name) would be great!!
  19. While you talk about this not being someone's profession this actually is my arena & what you just said is bull shit in relation to this topic. Netflix has the opportunity to maintain or lose customers regardless of how they implement this project. Let's say it is 10 parts - you will get all 10 parts at 1 time...which means (according to your logic) a fan can sign up for a trial which lasts usually a month & STILL watch it at one time then cancel it. Lets say it's a documentary - same thing. Those other shows are SHOWS this would be a singular situation. Not something that has seasons. Netflix is also known for its documentaries - What Happened Ms. Simone, The Life & Crimes of Doris Payne, one about the Spanish singer - they have an ENTIRE section dedicated to documentaries & the docs are actually great. Some even award winning. So like everyone said - what you're saying is BS...this is not solely about retention. Based on Netflix format - if you watch something, hopefully you will look around...find more content & stay. PS - a smart negotiation, if this is true, would be to cover a documentary about Janet with an option to record & host the concert with some BTS footage also.
  20. That's kinda what I was thinking - but even if it's not fully true, a documentary where she controls the narrative is great. I just don't know about 10 parts.
  21. I COMPLETELY feel where you come from with it being a last shot & preservation. Definitely little flash backs & if so it needs to be done in a way we've never seen before. No more stories of yesteryear that have been told 100000 times. Those are on YouTube this needs to feel iconic. Also - you get it. 2hrs will happen whether in a series or a single doc. If anything it's likely to keep people for 2hrs than for them to finish 10 parts of an hour long special on Janet lol. And he doesn't know what any of our jobs are some of us actually DO work in this profession.
  22. Don't engage that cancer it will only grow. He is a contrarian who enjoys derailing topics because you didn't say something that fits into his narrative fuck him & keep it moving. We all are understanding each other & passing our perspectives without problem. Don't let him take this to where it was never going - he thinks people will binge watch multiple segments broken into 45-60 minutes but won't watch a 2hr doc. When if they watch 2 of the 1 hour series they've already watched a 2 hour documentary. He's not very intelligent don't let him waste the boards time.
  23. lmfao - they won't sit through 2 hrs but they're going to remain engaged for 8.5 - 10 hrs? I'll officially not respond to anything else you have to say on this topic. Your logic has been made clear.
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