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Everything posted by FreelovesJJ

  1. Oh how I've missed you. All Janet's camp confirmed was a split - that could simply mean we're taking time a part...all the fans who claim to never jump into rumors has fallen fully into this. I think it's so funny & ironic. They could have been moving in & out different house goods...remodeling for Eissa or a guest room. Someone said you don't pay rent for a publicity stunt....where are the rent receipts? How many properties do they have? I'm just not buying into this. Really I'm not. Thank you for coming through.
  2. omg! Where have you been!!! Thank you. It's the most obvious cohesive plan I might have seen from the Janet camp since Damita Jo lmao!! They're obviously giving the people something to talk about. Two of the most private people now being hella public after they announce a "split" watch us get some kinda professional pix of Janet as a mom & maybe print interview. While no divorce is filed & then some announcements.
  3. Janet equally doesn't do social media and never really has. You all give a pass because your fans. I said from the moment all this happened that we would be getting a picture that week. It was the most obvious publicity move. If you can't see it so be it.
  4. They care because he's attached to Janet. You're talking about him, he's relevant. She did it for the same reasons he did - period. We equally could give a shit about each other's perspective so...why continue right? It's done.
  5. Game my points remain. Stability is always better for new born babies than instability & consistent travel. You try to be catty & usually come off wrong & stupid. You'll reply but the conversation is over.
  6. you feel what you will and I'll do the same. She is no different from Wissam. She posted it for public consumption. She was out in the park pointing at the sky and trees. Whatever the case is this is publicity to me & that isn't changing until an actual divorce has been filed, which I genuinely hope does not happen for the sake of them.
  7. You brought money into this, now you're claiming who cares? You see why you're such a joke around here right? Claiming a new mother doesn't need "convenience" means you much rather put her & her child through up & downs of flight travel - which is torture on a child. Ears popping every other day for the child & different exposure to different elements. Their immune systems are not that strong. So...... Instead of the catty bragging rights you're trying to make a standard for Janet - if ANYTHING right now that "convenience" would be ideal for parenting. Your so fucking weird man lol. It's ridiculous.
  8. Yet they still have more than Janet. Your catty ass post was that they need the money, and Janet doesn't. They have the money - that Janet doesn't have. You're attacking moot points just to seem like you're some die hard fan. Shut up lol you sound stupid. It has nothing to do with us thinking JLo is hot - we think she's been successful, & her fan base has kept her that way. Whether vocalist or pop artist the business acumen is the same. Janet's touring rep has struggled because of inconsistency whether her fault or not. That's the facts.
  9. So you don't think Janet in the park leading up to a big reveal is equally staged? Whose to say what that moving company was moving? Janet has a schedule, they could EASILY have been remodeling a room or moving out old stuff - & gave the press/paps a 2 for one. She could have also been making room for her mother to stay with her, or creating space. As LONG standing Janet fans PLEASE just explain why someone so specifically private - who can hide a marriage for over a decade felt it necessary to leak a separation when NO ONE would know - RIGHT before she debuts her child & potentially new tour/music that she has to come back for? If they were simply separating, because no one filed for divorce, wouldn't a tour be plenty time away? Couldn't she just silently move off & then start being more "free". Janet keeps her business to herself - this is publicity.
  10. Baby pictures alone does not last as long as a scandal in the headlines. People buy sympathy tickets. When Janet split from JD it wasn't this public. The only reason we knew about Rene is because she divorced him, and then it became public so now she had to discuss it. Janet can hide a split. She's a celebrity. People not seeing them - is normal. Them moving boxes is normal, you can be adding to a room or redecorating. Like I said all these publicity pictures is for what she has next. Everyone is buying in, I'm not at all.
  11. Yes. I don't think she moved anything really. I think it's all smoke and mirrors. I don't think it's about class or the lack thereof - it's a business move. People discuss scandals more than good news. She is still married to him, there was no reason for us to know about this "split" beyond the publicity of it. She's very private. Always has been
  12. Stop being stupid about other artist. J.Lo is worth more than Janet is reportedly & so is Celine. Janet needs more than they do if it's about numbers & endeavors. You spew stupidity just to act like a more die hard fan. Just discuss truth & leave it alone. Your obsession is ignoranyly sadistic. Janet hopefully sales out these shows & people aren't over her touring public reputation for cancellations.
  13. He is her husband. I think this is more of a joint circumstance than they would have the public believe. I'm not buying their split. It's so convenient to her pushing a return. This isn't how Janet gets down.
  14. See - fans keep overlooking the business. Janet gets her money from "people just taking in a show" that's the game. Fans selfishly want her to cater to them but hardcore fans don't fill up multiple stadiums. The fans "out here waiting" are not enough to pay for the sound, rig, stage, band, wardrobe, make up, travel, food, hotel accommodations etc. Personally, I hope if she goes back on tour soon it sells out. But she needs more than hardcore fans to do that. A residency might not be great for hardcore fans, but on a business level it works. Lastly, it would be believed a good number of hardcore fans will travel for a show - they do every tour season. Some seeing 3-5 shows in diff states. Other concertgoers attend out of convenience.
  15. No I highly doubt that. Remember they are NOT divorced, and these photo shoots seem to be more for public consumption than private. This is so fans & blogs can talk. They're basically curating content. So when Janet releases the news of a tour/music or whatever the next phase/endeavor is - she's already a buzzing topic. Remember the "keep the conversation going" concept? Well they're giving everyone something to talk about. Do you think ANY of this is a coincidence from the masters of privacy? No. Janet likes to detach & separate in privacy. Remember how every other relationship went? Why when she has a child, a time to be most private she becomes more public...right when tour announcements start to unfold. This is for gen-pop.
  16. I'm pretty sure they didn't pay for that. They were probably gifts to them.
  17. https://blavity.com/janet-jackson-is-not-a-gold-digger
  18. No I think Janet converted because she wanted to or she wouldn't have. I think she was fine with those outfits. I think those "hot ass outfits" are no more hot than her Rhythm Nation outfit...her UCAP catsuit or whatever else. While I do believe Janet is submissive to men - I think this whole entire fishy ass separation is because SHE wants people to keep the conversation going - people pay more attention to scandals than they do good news. She has remained silent & private about countless scandals in her life from her family to herself personally now we see her in the park...we see him in the park, you're acting like she wasn't out and about. She was, when she wanted to be. I think those outlets, who are talking to an ANONYMOUS source - is repeating what they're told. Why didn't she just DIVORCE him & then we find out because the divorce became public document....tell me why one of the most private artist felt the need for you to know something she never had to tell you?
  19. Let me clear myself up, I agree this is a part of a plan set out by her team. I agree completely, and if there is a tour I think she will be more open and engaged around doing that project. This is why I've been saying - she was doing something different before & is trying something different this time to counter what did not work before. I don't think it was because of Wissam, I think Janet herself is equally private and since she had been successfully living in privacy and it originally created a buzz about what is she doing & remember the wanted/missing poster? She tried to play that angle because she felt it could work for her...it didn't so this is a regrouping. That's my opinion. My apologies, you're right. So scratch RWU & Discipline. Everything else is what she had to promote, but the entire conversation about her using Twitter & social media mostly for promotion came from some fan claiming Janet used to be active on social media - when we all know that's never been her thing.
  20. Well speculating on the tour - it would probably be the opposite. Being in the middle of a separation does not render you "tied up" it doesn't take anything. You're just taking time a part. They are not getting divorced. Even if they were, she can go on about her business. All For You was coming together, the project, as she was divorcing. This is all about more publicity. Getting her name & creating curiosity amongst the people.
  21. Ok we are on the same page. I don't think there's a rift. I think Janet is trying to get back to her obligations relatively soon, so she's creating a narrative that people will buy into. She does pay attention to the temperature of her fans to a degree. She knows many complained before about lack of engagement, she knows some are upset about tickets etc. If you're a real Janet fan you know she can hide a plane, so a separation that would have NEVER been public & starting to "emerge" showing baby pictures, walks in the park - all of it is leading. Her birthday is in a few weeks.
  22. when you say maybe we're getting played, what do you mean...not coming at you, I'm seeing if we're on the same page.
  23. Let's put up a bet, after all the fuss dies down...after she reveals her next venture - whether it be an interview, music, or another tour (relatively soon 6 months) she will be going right back into that shell she always had been. For UB, I do not believe they had anything to do with Wissam. She was trying to do her business a different way that did not work for her. Now she's shifting directions.
  24. Charity. UCAP. Blackglama. RWU Tour. Discipline etc.
  25. I'm not saying it was, the original poster claimed she was more involved before Wissam. She was night.
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