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Everything posted by Escapade

  1. This movie was actually really good. Sad, but good.
  2. If it passes I'm definitely gonna take advantage. I've always wanted to be a life long student.
  3. Looking very beautiful and regal.
  4. Has anyone ever seen it before? A video if her acting skills before she was famous. http://youtu.be/-vyWXAosqeM She was a good actress in this clip
  5. Same thing happened with Macklemore as well. Eminem didn't receive it because he's actually very good and his skills are not really disputed. Even Macklemore himself said that Kendrick deserved that Grammy. It seems like a slap in the face when mediocre white rappers are getting rewarded over truly talented minority rappers, and same for other genres.
  6. This album is amazing! Between her and Azealia I'm getting my life! I'm glad she gave that pop mess a rest.
  7. She sounds so freaking beautiful in these recent concerts. Whatever she's doing I hope she keeps it up!
  8. Yes her whole album has some really dope production. What Yeezus should've been.
  9. I've been over Igloo Australia since she called herself a slave master. Like girl bye.
  10. Stevie Michael Prince for the first two preference Michael Stevie Prince
  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Azealia Banks. I can definitely understand her frustration, not just in music, but all aspects in life as a black person in America. She's very wise and her music is dope.
  12. They probably will be because this album is not going to be pulling in her usual numbers.
  13. ^ LOL seriously! Glad to see she's back to normal. I'm hearing nothing but rave reviews about her concert series.
  14. The single choices for this album does it no justice at all! I really enjoy it.
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