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Lord PETA done showed up at Janet's show!


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What: Dressed as the Grim Reaper and holding signs that read, “Janet: Fur Is Dead,” as well as a banner that reads, “Janet: Animals Suffer and Die on Fur Farms,” 10 members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific will protest outside Janet Jackson’s concert in Manila on Friday. Jackson recently appeared in an ad for Blackglama furs.

“When it comes to buying into terror and death in hopes of revitalizing her career, Janet Jackson has been—to borrow the title of one of her early hits—’Nasty,’” says PETA Asia-Pacific’s Rochelle Regodon. “With so many fashionable, warm, and cruelty-free materials available, there’s simply no excuse for wearing fur.”

Animals trapped for their fur suffer excruciating pain before they are bludgeoned or stomped to death by trappers. Animals on fur farms are confined to tiny, filthy cages, where they are exposed to all weather extremes. Many go insane before they are killed by electrocution, poisoning, gassing, or neck-breaking. An undercover investigation of a fur farm in China—now the world’s leading fur exporter—revealed that animals, including cats and dogs, are often skinned alive.

Where: Outside the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City

When: Friday, February 4, 5:30 p.m.

*opens up a new Word document*

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What: Dressed as the Grim Reaper and holding signs that read, “Janet: Fur Is Dead,” as well as a banner that reads, “Janet: Animals Suffer and Die on Fur Farms,” 10 members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia-Pacific will protest outside Janet Jackson’s concert in Manila on Friday. Jackson recently appeared in an ad for Blackglama furs.

“When it comes to buying into terror and death in hopes of revitalizing her career, Janet Jackson has been—to borrow the title of one of her early hits—’Nasty,’” says PETA Asia-Pacific’s Rochelle Regodon. “With so many fashionable, warm, and cruelty-free materials available, there’s simply no excuse for wearing fur.”

Animals trapped for their fur suffer excruciating pain before they are bludgeoned or stomped to death by trappers. Animals on fur farms are confined to tiny, filthy cages, where they are exposed to all weather extremes. Many go insane before they are killed by electrocution, poisoning, gassing, or neck-breaking. An undercover investigation of a fur farm in China—now the world’s leading fur exporter—revealed that animals, including cats and dogs, are often skinned alive.

Where: Outside the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City

When: Friday, February 4, 5:30 p.m.

Thank you -_-

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And here's my letter to Ms. Rochelle

Dear Ms "Rochelle Regodon",

Good morning and I hope all is well with you. Browsing through the world news, I came across a statement issued about international megastar Janet Jackson.

"When it comes to buying into terror and death in hopes of revitalizing her career, Janet Jackson has been - to borrow the title of one of her early hits - Nasty."

Why am I not surprised that you would issue such a bitter statement whilst trying to get a point across? By now, one would think PETA would implement a Code of Conduct for its employees. But considering PETA's track record, the level professionalism sits below the level of class PETA upholds. Such comments are the reason why nobody likes you, you being PETA, or just YOU in general. It amazes me how Ms Jackson (because I'm nasty), has to buy into terror and death to revitalize a career. I am sure the receipts for the purchase validate her presence, considering you and all nine of your Klan members felt the need to play dress up three months after Halloween and obstruct concert traffic. Did you forget you were protesting outside of a sold-out show? I send my apologies to you if you were trampled on by concert goers. I hope you noticed some of the local celebrities that bought into that terror and death and attended the show. Hopefully Freddy Krueger won’t haunt them in their eternal rest. [sips my tea]

For someone who lives in a country whose poverty rate is 40% (one of the highest in Southeast Asia, and the WORLD), one would think you would be more concerned with the inability to feed your children, rather than concerning yourself with the affairs of Ms Jackson. Whitney Houston once said, "I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way." How can the children of the Philippines lead the way, when 34.5 out of 1000 of them die at birth? And since we're being insulting, I have seen your pictures on Facebook, and I won’t comment on your malnourished frame or the fact that there are enough bags under your eyes to fill a desolate wasteland. I also noticed someone pictured with a relative of yours wearing a Ralph Lauren polo, a company that thrives on child labor. You can bet that shirt was made around the corner from your mud house in a sweat shop. Why not concern yourself with THAT?

So in closing, I am so glad that you have your priorities in order. Rather than worry about the soaring poverty rate of the Philippines, you would rather play dress up and march outside of Ms. Jackson's concert looking like a bunch of fools three months past Halloween. Rather than treating yourself to a much needed meal, you would rather issue unprofessional comments about an international sensation as if she even cares about YOU or PETA (which she does not considering she still strutted her 5 foot 4 stature out on the stage in her floor length FUR coat).

I just hope that in the future you choose your words wisely. I will keep in my prayers that one day PETA will be mature enough to be respected as a non-profit organization, rather than the tasteless and uncouth 'lemonade stand' business it lets on.


Foster Farms Customer Of The Month and a loyal Janet Jackson supporter

P.S. What has your organization done in response to the 100 dogs in Canada that were shot due to lack of work? [sips my tea, again]


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