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The New York Times Says the THOR Movie Is Some Bullshit


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* "Thor” is an example of the programmed triumph of commercial calculation over imagination.

* At this stage in the superhero bubble the strategy seems to be to protect the investment by minimizing risk. And the biggest risk would be a movie that dared to be interesting or original in its exploration of archetypal characters and their allegorical predicaments.

* You would think that Mr. Branagh, with his pop-Shakespearean credentials, would be just the man to tease out the somber tones and the amusing grace notes implicit in the situation of his hero, who is both an exiled prince and a fish out of water. Instead you are hammered with one cliché after another, from the architecture of Asgard, with its floating stone staircases and vast, vaulted chambers, to the computer-generated monsters.

* The hero is a likable meathead, none of whose words or actions are the least bit memorable. Nothing in “Thor” is, and I suspect that is not an accident. If you can’t remember what you saw, then there’s no harm in seeing it again. There is no reason to go to this movie, which might be another way of saying there’s no reason not to. Something like that seems to be the logic behind “Thor,” and as a business plan it’s probably foolproof.

Does any of this change your mind about wanting to see Thor? Does it say anything to you about Hollywood and filmmaking in general?

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It has a 86% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 95% user rating. It has been out for over a week internationally and there are FAR more positive reviews than the negative ones so no one bad review isnt going to dissuade me.

I fucks with metacritc and Rotten Tomatoes their percents be about right, although an 86% on Rotten is kinda high they don't get that high on movies like this too often

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