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Ouch...Poor Ciara and Dirty Money


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Well, I brought it up as an example in my rant to Austin about someone using Madonna to bait me. He is still bragging about it though as you can see. And a lot of people are still tossing shade in my direction from that occurrence, Austin being one of them. Here's the thing, I don't mind people not liking me for who I am, but what bothers me is when people throw shade or talk shit for something I'm not.

So when someone uses Madonna to come at me, I gently remind them that well... they can't.

But even before this thread, Randall brought it up just to start something in other threads :sigh: As much as I've been warned about my "arguments" with another member, Randall should be receiving the same warnings about bringing that shit up.

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But even before this thread, Randall brought it up just to start something in other threads :sigh: As much as I've been warned about my "arguments" with another member, Randall should be receiving the same warnings about bringing that shit up.

He has... other people have mentioned it too. Like I said, I don't like drama or fighting. I regret how that thread unfolded, it shouldn't have gotten to that point, I should have had the restraint to just let it go. But I did get suspended for it, and everyone needs to move on.

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When I came back here, you said to me you felt partially responsible, in other words, you know you got out of hand and blew up something that didn't need to happen.

But change your story now to save face :)

I also have this to say, since we're speaking our minds and such. Many people who take the piss at my expense say that I was just "taking it too seriously" and it's "just jokes" when I actually fire back. Yourself included. What's funny about that is, people have big mouths until I respond, and then suddenly it's all a joke. When that is the line of defense you fall back on, it exposes you as a spineless hypocrite. 1. because you initiate the shit and can't take it served back to you harder and 2. you care enough to do it in the first place and take what I say seriously.

Let's get one thing clear. You never even had a wig to snatch on this forum. You were always a third-wheel tag-along to Henry and Austin, building any and all notoriety on being a punchline and creating a self-important character. You have no personality of your own, and won't show your "real" one because it's evidently too boring for anyone to care about, and that's why you act out for attention. So pull up a stool and sit your transparent, played-out ass down.

I felt responsible because what I started as joke became something it wasn't suppose to be.

HOWEVER, I don't feel responsible for YOUR actions...YOU were the one that took it too seriously and TRIED to be a shady bitch because the girls came for your fav irrelevant flop bitch. THAT WAS ALL ON YOU...AND YOU DECIDED TO TAKE IT THERE.

More than anything I really felt "bad" because I liked you...that was truly the only reason I cared. You were WAY out of line for how you handled that situation...and that was the reason you were suspended...YOUR ACTIONS.

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Is TOF still talking about that useless crap that happened on the old Planet Janet board :sigh: All Roc said was that Janet looked very good for her age and not in her early 20s (I said the same when I said she looked like a mature version of the AFY era), but being the true opportunist he is, TOF couldn't comprehend that and started an extremely useless "fight" by mentioning Madonna to gain support, which is why I ignored it. Roc never said Janet was ugly or anything negative about her looks, but others showed off their lack of comprehension skills and went at him for it. And by still bringing it up here when there's no need to only shows how dumb TOF is :coffee:

Hendrika go back and read, I didn't bring up anything...Rochester brought it up in his long ass unnecessary novel to Austineisha. :rolleyes:

I don't know how this turned into a thread about me...yet again. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The girls love to come for me I suppose. :sigh:

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I felt responsible because what I started as joke became something it wasn't suppose to be.

HOWEVER, I don't feel responsible for YOUR actions...YOU were the one that took it too seriously and TRIED to be a shady bitch because the girls came for your fav irrelevant flop bitch. THAT WAS ALL ON YOU...AND YOU DECIDED TO TAKE IT THERE.

More than anything I really felt "bad" because I liked you...that was truly the only reason I cared. You were WAY out of line for how you handled that situation...and that was the reason you were suspended...YOUR ACTIONS.

Yes, it is. :)

Is that why you felt guilty when I got suspended? Inneresting. And btw I take responsibility for what I did, but I'm just clearing up the reasons for people who seem to be confused :)

So sit the FUCK down bitch.

And I have one final parting word:

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Here are the differences:

Janet is past her prime.

Ciara past her prime"is in her prime".

Even with the last 5 years, Janet has 10+ years prior to that of prolonged success.

Even with the last 5 years, Ciara was on the verge of flopping with her next record.

Janet has paid her dues as an artist, and she can do Discipline numbers from here on out and ppl will STILL stand to their feet when she enters the room.

Ciara, at this point, can't even afford to pay homage to Janet. 35k first week isn't much. (35,000 x 12.99 = $454,650).

It seems you have a habit of throwing Janet under the bus for a bitch like Ciara whenever you get upset when someone comes for your non-Janet faves. It's tired. It's late. It's old. You're in the same boat as Roc when it comes to shit like this. Ahoy mate!

Don't try to be this fucking savior.... I say its hypocritical and tacky to make fun of anyone for not being as successful... (when janet got tons of hate for no reason for the last few years) At what point did I throw Janet under the bus? Don't assume or try to make up some bullshit drama with me just because I have an opinion and not some random bandwagon bitch. Upset? Hardly.... Anyone with common sense knew what I meant its not that hard to figure out... You try way too hard to be smart and evolved get over yourself and over the fact that I have an opinion that differs from yours. You bringing up stats is pointless since I already stated in the original post that Janet is on another level. I know you will attempt to do the usual I'm never wrong gimmick...

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Aw, I left you speechless, so speechless. :) Figures your weak ass can fire shots and then scurry away when confronted like the little rat you are.

I didn't even read the post. I just skimmed it and then left and went to work. If you put so much time and effort into it and wish for me to read it, I gladly will grant your wish.

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Don't try to be this fucking savior.... I say its hypocritical and tacky to make fun of anyone for not being as successful... (when janet got tons of hate for no reason for the last few years) At what point did I throw Janet under the bus? Don't assume or try to make up some bullshit drama with me just because I have an opinion and not some random bandwagon bitch. Upset? Hardly.... Anyone with common sense knew what I meant its not that hard to figure out... You try way too hard to be smart and evolved get over yourself and over the fact that I have an opinion that differs from yours. You bringing up stats is pointless since I already stated in the original post that Janet is on another level. I know you will attempt to do the usual I'm never wrong gimmick...


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Just what I thought don't ever compare me to that other person again.

You didn't think. I actually didn't even read your post. Just like the first line. I just got in from work, and I wont be in the mood for another hour or two before I decide if I want to turn this thread upside down.

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