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Michael's Estate and co. VS. Janet and co.

Reyna ♔

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People need to think about this: of the estate had the kids best interests at heart they would not be encouraging the destruction of their family unit by feeding lies to the media. They are focusing on Janet because she is the one with enough resources to challenge them. Because we know Janet is not motivated by money she is being fuelled by what is best for her family.

And lets not forget that she had her own dealings with John McLain which didn't end well during her a&m years.

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What's goin on now? Everybody at the Xone is saying people starting to seeing the true side of Paris and are starting to take Janet's side

Star Jones ‏@StarJonesEsq

Somebody PLEASE take @parisjackson phone! She's a CHILD So STOP it! >#KatherineJackson Returns to LA, Paris Tweets It http://fxn.ws/O2odxM

Star Jones ‏@StarJonesEsq

Media really needs to stop reporting this child's tweets...and whoever her guardian is needs to put that smartphone on "time out!" ENOUGH!

Star Jones ‏@StarJonesEsq

Because SHE is a child who doesn't yet have the emotional maturity to deal with long-term ramifications of sharing personal info on TWITTER

Star Jones ‏@StarJonesEsq

You adults who are following this child for the "DRAMA" should think long & hard how you'd want YOUR family to be treated in same situation.

Star Jones ‏@StarJonesEsq

I have 8 aunts...and if I was "tweeting" our family info that's being used for TABLOID fodder ONLY! They'd check me with a quickness.

There are COURTS, guardian ad litem & laws designed for THE BEST INTEREST OF A CHILD. Trust me..."twitter" is not on the list. #ThatsAll

Star Jones ‏@StarJonesEsq

I'm going to "shut what they call..the hell up" & focus on MY nephew's graduation visit & boat trip with me in a week. He won't be TWEETING.

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KHIA ‏@QueenKhia

@ParisJackson Aunt Khia is coming to save you!!! Me and Janet about to have a chat!!!!


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2m JoeJoe ‏@juZZjoEJOe

@QueenKhia Khia stfu the only thing u need 2 have a chat with is a dentist & a plastic surgeon you dirty bitch. Don't ever come 4 Janet!

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Alan Duke ‏@AlanDukeCNN

Katherine Jackson's lawyer says he "had a long and productive meeting today with Mrs. Jackson"

Alan Duke ‏@AlanDukeCNN

Katherine Jackson "is fine and she laughed at the widely publicized report that she had suffered a stroke," attorney Perry Sanders says

*clears throat*

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And some articles from Perez Hilton -

Was Katherine Jackson Being Drugged By Her Children In Arizona??

If true, this is downright appalling!

When Paris Jackson had a kiki with grandma on the phone the other day, just before Katherine was eventually returned to El Lay, something was very, very wrong.

In the opinion of some insiders, Katherine was drunk!

One source reported:

"When Paris spoke to Katherine last night she sounded like she was drunk. Paris repeatedly asked her, are you ok, and Mrs. Jackson was slurring her words. I was told that it appears that Katherine was given alcohol during the time she was staying at Miraval.. Katherine is extremely upset and distraught to learn that she lost custody of the children, but is hopeful she will be re-instated as their legal guardian very shortly."

The only problem with that theory?

Katherine is a devout Jehovah's Witness who doesn't drink!!

According to TJ Jackson's statements in court when he was fighting for custody of the kids, drugs may actually have been the culprit!

He testified that Katherine called up the security team at the Calabasas estate — the same one that wouldn't let Janet and Randy force the kids into a car — and fired them in the wee hours of the morning!

And she sounded under the influence of something when she made the phone call!

One source is sure a few of Katherine's kids have been drugging her!

Janet was apparently furious when she learned of the situation!

We're not sure what the other children gave her booze or drugs but the more this dramz unfolds the dirtier we feel!

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