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Everything posted by Lenzo88

  1. https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/chart-beat/6259282/barbra-streisand-no-1-partners
  2. The thing is Madonna been trying TOO hard since “Hard Candy” 11 years ago!!! It’s like at 50, her thirst for relevancy began and has only gotten worse over time. I enjoyed “Crave” immensely for the visuals as usual but this album is seeming more gimmicky in execution than even “MDNA” and “Rebel Heart” were. It’s not even about acting her age anymore, the concept is already lost on me! Honestly, at this point, a hope the album as a whole is at least decent musically cause thematically, what’s even the point of the Madame X moniker besides tacky merchandise at this point??? Ehhh, I’ll buy a shirt as a donation I guess.
  3. Gurl, it’s Vegas!!! The only things missing are black panthers in cages and a magic trick!!!
  4. Nope!!! Barbara Streisand still holds the title for 6 decades in a row. Janet would be only second to her and third overall after her and Springsteen I think. Still hoping for a new Janet album before the end of this decade, give us at least 2 per decade per usual.
  5. I am SOOOOOOOOO mad that Soltera is SO BOP af compared to “MEDELLIN”!!! Seriously, MUCH more first single worthy than Spanish 101!!! she betta do an epic mash-up of both songs on her Madame X Tour if it even becomes a moderate hit in Latin countries.
  6. Honestly, I’m not even sure if there’s an album happening anymore!!! (Are you happy now Dayz! ) Since “Made For Now”, Janet has become all but silent on the new music front. With everything going on with her R&RHOF induction and massive production residency in Vegas, she’d use all this promo and publicity to release new material but she isn’t....at the moment. I seriously wonder what is going on since the EP was suppose to be released last fall but was scrapped. What exactly is Janet and her team’s future plans at this moment??? No clue! But her lips are sealed so tight compared to how much she was looking forward to new music during her M4N radio promo.
  7. Awwww I love her friendship wit Johnny going way back during her Rhythm Nation Days!!!
  8. CHINA LOVE PERFORMANCE!!! 18 years in the making!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=fN7CfSyWNBg
  9. I want to see the China Love performance soooo bad!!! Peoplr keep saying the choreography is so intricate and insane!!! Also, that performance of “the Knowledge” hit so hard in a way I never have seen it before!!! That breakdown was SERIOUSLY SCARY good!!!
  10. Oh. My. Gawddddd!!! she. SNAPPPED!!! This b!tch NEEDS to b committed!!!! Strawberry is BACK!!!!
  11. I keep trying to watch it on x.janetjackson but I can’t find the link!!! WHAT?!? Ur telling me FREAKnet aka Strawberry has returned!?!?
  12. There is a livestream on Facebook!!! Trying to get the link!
  13. I heard that list is actually NOT the official set list but just a bunch of credits to the choreographers of MOST of the songs being performed, but we will see.
  14. Just noticed there are NO songs or singles from “Unbreakable”...........
  15. Yup!!! But my goodness!!! That set list is F$&@in’ EPIC THO!!! “China Love” finally AND “Rock Wit U” returns?!?
  16. I can’t!!!! Voodoo u owe me money for the holler that I just expressed at work!!!
  17. Never heard the remixed album of one of her classics!!! Hope Janet: remixed is next!!! Came out of nowhere really!
  18. Janet.....mf$&@in Jackson!!! No Myth. The Legend!!! 53 years young!!!! Getcho life momma!!! Metamorphosis will be another iconic era! I know it!!!
  19. Wow!!! That’s a bigger and LESS plausible assumption than me thinking Janet’s about to drop a new album!!! Did your reminder come from looking at yourself in the mirror?!!!
  20. Well it is now boo!!! Thank me later!
  21. Honestly, the new songs get better with each potential new single. “Crave” is honestly the best of the 3 released singles. At least, “I Rise” has a political message and “Crave” feels emotional with some substance. “Medellin” is just too weak and gimmicky for me. Tho I love for it in shame on occasion.
  22. Meh, it’s within my right as a fan to speculate. Besides I DID say this is the last time I will mention it. I’m only saying what’s on everyone of our minds. I’ll let it be since it’s bothering ya’ll so much. N EVERYDAY??? Hardly dear!
  23. Hmmm....this new era seems to be building up to a HUGE debut and run!!! Still! Will there be a surprise album along with the Metamorphosis era!?! Janet’s Birthday is next week, right before the first show debuts in Vegas the next day....hmmmmm.... Honestly, this is my last theory before I completely give up on the new album rumors that have been swirling since late 2017!!!
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