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Everything posted by Lenzo88

  1. Omg that SECOND PIC!! What is going on?!?! #ShookethArtThou
  2. I actually love it and find it very powerful, not mention elegant.
  3. Awesome!!! But let’s not get carried away yet until Janet makes an official announcement. I know! All this teasing is exciting as hell but let’s wait a bit so we’re not disappointed again.
  4. Omg!!! Open ur lips and reveal!!! This teasing is agonizing as usual!!!
  5. I’m saying!!! What’s the significance of releasing these photos then?!?
  6. Hmmmmm aren’t these pics/outtakes from the Metamorphosis Tour Book???
  7. I’m surprised no one even posted about what she said in an article. Apparently she’s about to release a new song and has possible multiple movie roles in store as well as other projects??? #NoAlbumYet
  8. If they were to collab....mountains would move, skies would fall, Game would be allowed back into the forum!!!
  9. Hmmmm, she definitely excels in the genre than most pop/R’n’B artists but I always think the best Janet are very eclectic and vary in multiple genres. Rock could be the theme of the album but be inventive and mix it up with other genres of music. Hell, I hope her next album has a rock tune or two, so she can really let loose vocally!
  10. These LOOKS.......I need a moment....!!!! Jesus, that money she’s been making touring/performing the past two years is seriously paying off!!! This shoot looks tooooo glamorous and eventful to be all for nothing, what is going on and what does momma have in store!!!??
  11. Considering what happened with 9/11 and the Glitter fiasco with Virgin during that era, she pretty much had no choice but to cut it short and as for DJ, after the immense backlash she received that year, a tour would have cost her, not to mention Virgin, A LOT of money!!!! The only reason she went back on tour was Discipline was a #1 album and “Feedback” was a sizable hit with Island Def Jam backing her like her previous label use too!
  12. Not if the era was abruptly ended before more singles could have come out because of Wissiam needing an heir, remember?! Remember, “Unbreakable” was suppose to have a three year plan with the Unbreakable Tour lastly MUCH longer obviously.
  13. Agreed! I think Janet def intended it to be a single off “Unbreakable” and it never got its proper due as even a performance during the Unbreakable Tour. I hope and think there’s a chance she’ll give it the epic showcase such a amazing track deserves!!!
  14. Same reason she performed all those deep cuts on the SOTW tour! For us fans duh?!?
  15. I don’t think so!!! I think Janet was and STILL is very proud of that album for MANY reasons. Honestly, the only thing I can think of is that Janet and her team are marketing her classic hits with these set lists as to remind people of her amazing catalogue. Remember, Janet’s been trying to reclaim her worldwide fans with this relentless touring/performing back to back schedule she’s been on since 2017!!! I think she’s keeping Unbreakable and its singles for an official world tour to support new music (maybe next year at this point?! Who knows?!? ) I think we haven’t heard the last of her performing “No Sleeep”, “BURNITUP!” and “Dammn Baby” as well as more from Unbreakable just yet!
  16. Omg!! U betta f$&@in’ SERVE!!!!
  17. Which I’m all for, we’ve seen Janet caught off guard during interviews with constant questions about Micheal or putting her to shame about the Super Bowl Halftime show, so by all means, let the Queen prepare them!!!!
  18. Yeah for sure!!! She’s been too social media happy lately. Something is definitely up...
  19. Idk, you’re the one throwing around big words like it’s a National spelling Bee!!! #UseIt #InASentence
  20. I thought she was a Jehovah’s witness???
  21. They played “That’s the Way...” at work again and it was cool how my co-worker instantly started reminiscing and told me about when the first song came out and how HUGE it was. Everyone couldn’t help but play it as they were cruising down the street. #Legend #ImpactStillThere
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