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Everything posted by Dal

  1. yea I think that's what I'm getting at.. I'm not sure if you guys have seen/are aware of Qello Concert TV.. It's an app I use on my PS4, but I think can also be used online and through iPhones and most devices.. But it's basically the "Netflix" of old tours and concerts and one-night-only music events.. They have a ton of old concerts and update their content regularly.. Old shows from Queen, David Bowie, U2, etc etc.. And even current artists like Bey and Gaga and all that.. A lot of the shows were only made available specifically for Qello, regardless of how long ago they were actually produced.. all I'm saying is that there are several different outlets she can choose to release these through, and even after she says she's going to release them, she doesn't..
  2. then maybe "embarrassed" isn't the right word.. More like "not confident"..
  3. Dal

    Dammn Baby

    he wasn't saying that sales matter/make a difference.. He simply said he was just curious... but you're right, it didn't do shit
  4. I see your point.. But I'd be willing to bet that putting it out through some avenue (physical, digital, streaming) wouldn't lose money for her, even if it wasn't a big profit per say.. But like I was saying before, it would ignite interest in her back catalog, to an extent.. And that way it's more of a "rising tide raises all ships" type of thing.. Plus she knows it would make her many fans happy so I don't see the logic behind just flat out not releasing it..
  5. no she wasn't talking about old family photos embarrassing her.. When she said on the MTV ICON special, I believe she was talking about videos from the 80's (and they were showing those videos and the like as she was saying that).. but your opinion is noted...
  6. I don't feel that it's such a crazy-out-of-this-world possibility.. She has said before that she gets embarrassed when she looks back on old videos and footage.. were you also just as puzzled (or whatever you are) when you heard her say that..?
  7. Distancing yourself...?? He said point blank: - "I thought a red brazier was going to be underneath.." - "I was completely shocked and appalled..." - "I don't wanna be involved in a stunt..." - "I don't have any reason to do this..." Norman, that ain't "distancing yourself"... That's straight up placing blame... And of course he said he knew he should've done better, after the fact.. Ain't no way that was going to change anything and it's easy for him to say that when you have a new album coming out that you need to promote..
  8. I don't see it being the expenses as to why it's not been released.. I'm sure the filming and editing of the No Sleeep, Burnitup and Dammn Baby lyric videos cost a decent amount, and all those actually had to be created from nothing (with really no foreseen "profit" to be had)....while these old tours are already executed and filmed just collecting dust..
  9. here's Janet speaking on this topic from 8 years ago..
  10. that link pretty much states that it would actually be rather inexpensive to remaster something like these tours and release them, at least digitally. Janet has said that all of her tours were originally filmed in high definition to begin with.. So it doesn't seem as though they would need to go through each film reel and literally reassemble each camera angle/shot.. im just not seeing any true evidence that amounts to it being the overhead costs to get these released..
  11. go ahead and re-watch him explain how he was "surprised and betrayed".. FF to 6:15 ??
  12. Nowadays there's digital HD, iTunes, Qello, AXS, Palladia, and hell even Netflix.. Sure there's somewhat of an overhead when it's a physical release (DVDs/Blurays/CDs for audio), but digital is where there's minimal overhead costs associated with a release.. And supply and demand wouldn't explain the cancellation of the planned VEVO release of the UCAP London show, that was already filmed.. Plus, if she sold only 25k (the minimum that you stated she would), at $14.99 that would equal almost $375,000. Not only that, but it would surely jumpstart her catalog sales, totaling even more revenue.. And I can't imagine it would cost more than a few grand to get those concerts remastered and released digitally... ?
  13. (FYI: This is lengthy cuz I just typed it while on the toilet ??) Why haven't we seen the janet. and Rhythm Nation tours ever released on DVD or Bluray or digital..? I feel it's possible that the reason these tours are not released yet could be because she's too embarrassed.. Whenever she sees these, if ever, I feel like she overly critiques everything to the point of wanting to just lock it away.. Let's be real.. She prolly nitpicks things like her clothes, hair, choreography, staging, effects, etc etc..and I'm not saying any of that would be justified (really I think both tours were insanely epic, from what I've seen),, but I'd say it would seem rather easy to do so, if only because these tours are somewhat dated, to say the least.. When they showed her tour career montage at the BET Awards last year, did you see any clips from the RN or janet. tours..?? Nope.. Nothing but a picture of her silhouette on stage during the RN tour at the very end of the video.. Why is that..? I don't think it's insane to believe that we possibly would've never seen a full pro-shot concert of either the VR or AFY concerts had they not been released only months after they had concluded the tour.. In a way, Janet said it herself when she mentioned during her ICON special that she has a hard time looking back at old videos and footage of herself because she is too embarrassed by it.. That doesn't sound like a woman who would be ready to put herself out there for the world to be reminded of her work at such a young age.. Not to mention the potential for reviews and comparisons drawn between her career then as opposed to her career now (or even comparisons to other artists, old and new).. Obviously much of these tours are available throughout YouTube, but her remastering them and releasing them officially would magnify the amount of viewers these will have by x1000, hence an influx of publicity regarding these tours.. Also, why was the London show of the UCAP tour professionally filmed for VEVO and then seemingly suddenly scrapped...?? Did Janet not like what she saw as the end result? I really do wish these things were released.. Simple things like these that are already in the can and just waiting for the public's eyes. Unfortunately, and I don't feel good saying this, but I wouldn't be surprised if these never were up for sale until after she's no longer with us.. ?
  14. I didn't see this til right now... But regardless if you believe any of that to be true, none of that negates the fact that he legit threw her under the bus.. It wasn't like he just sat back and allowed it to happen, he actually added onto the hate against her by ranting about it only a few days after it happened.. I sorta see your point when you say anyone would want to save their career at the age of 22, but to fan the flames and intentionally make it worse for the other person isn't somethin I'd think anyone would do..
  15. "so was I.. so was I.. so was I.." it was the epitome of self-serving imo..
  16. Money can't buy respeck tho...
  17. I scanned your response for lies..... found ZERO!
  18. Dal

    Who made this?

    I actually love Feedback.. And I'm glad she continued to perform it.. It could've been her last #1 hit if she didn't wait to perform it until the album was released.. It peaked at #19 on the BB Hot 100 chart before then so she missed out I feel.. also, I liked the video, didn't love it tho..
  19. I DVR'ed it and fast forward to the parts I wanted to see.. Halfway thru I watched GOT, and then went back to the awards and finished fast forwarding to the parts I cared to see.. But I do that with every award show or live event that I don't care to see the entirety of.. But why does it matter if he watched GOT or not..? Cuz he's white?? The way I see it, he's an artist in the music industry who's primary genre (if you will) is based on black culture.. So of course he's gonna be tuned into the BET awards.. As for my opinion of the BLM movement, I consider myself an ally to those who stand by/for it.. I hate when people respond to it with "All Lives Matter".. I feel that's rooted in racism.. ?️
  20. wow what a write-up! I'm missing your point.. Like, should he be handed a cookie...? Also, folks nowadays have something called DVR.. Does Target not sell those..? ?
  21. I agree.. Jesse Eisenberg is an incredible actor but he was insanely miscast, it's ridiculous.. I have no doubt that the other movies, going forward, will be lighter in tone and just better overall films..
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