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Everything posted by Dal

  1. Considering Celine is about as classy as it gets, while still maintaining a down-to-earth personality, I can't imagine her ever saying any negative about Janet. In fact, she's done nothing but praise most/all the Jacksons, especially Michael, time and time again (she had some of the kindest words about him before and after he passed).. I'm sure whatever potential positive feelings Celine has towards Janet would be reciprocated..
  2. this shit is hilarity!!! they all going IN on Ann Coulter! Like did she even know what tf she signed on for?! ???
  3. So on December 28, 2007 I created and uploaded this full montage music video for Janet brand new single, "Feedback"! To date, it has been viewed over 360k times (?) and has hundreds of comments! Please take the few minutes and re-watch it again if you've seen it before, and if you haven't seen it yet, please watch it for the first time! Also....Here's a video I created for MJ's "D.S." track, which has been VIEWED CLOSE TO 800k TIMES!!! There's also a video on my channel of Drake getting booed at one of his Bay Area concerts that I attended... FYI, you can't call a city by a different name than what it really is and NOT expect to get dragged for it.. Have a great weekend folks!
  4. They didn't even acknowledge the passing of David Bowie or Prince, two other music video pioneers... the whole thing is a sham and the ratings show that.. It dropped over 30% in tv viewers just from last year! 9.5 mil viewers for the 2015 show, compared to 6.5 mil viewers for this year's show.. they gotta get it together.. First off they need a host to help guide the show.. And then they need to not only cater to the Rihanna beyonce and Kanye fans.. The show was always best when it brought in all generations of artists and fans.. The only "classic" artist they had on this years show was Mary J Blige lol
  5. that would be awesome, especially since she's been in the SoCal area as of late... but it ain't happening... Especially if she got a big ol baby belly.. She ain't exactly "in shape" and judging by those pics a couple weeks ago, her face is a lot rounder and fuller and I doubt she'd wanna go through the online scrutiny she'd likely receive (albeit along with tons of online love too)..
  6. now THAT I can agree with... ....cuz I'm fuckin hilarious! ???
  7. no not everyone.. you apparently had no idea what I was saying (surprise, surprise) so you try and make it seem "awkward" when it was just only your illiterate ass.. ?? I guess I was right when I said it was too nuanced for you to comprehend.. ? #FAIL
  8. oh geez norm, your stupidity is rearing its head again.. When I said "an honor he received and she didn't" I was not talking about receiving the statue award... No shit they both were given a statue.. but only one of them was given the HONOR of having it renamed after them because of their huge influence over the category in general.. thats a fact. Everything else you said after that is an opinion, nothing more and nothing less.
  9. dude you're hilarious.. I know it's not intentional, but you are nonetheless.. since when is stating a fact considered a "diss" towards Janet?? You inputing her name into the topic of conversation of MTV's MICHAEL JACKSON Video Vanguard Award is already a diss in and of itself.. By awkwardly putting her name where her brother's name belongs you're only magnifying an honor he received and one that she didn't... maybe that's too nuanced for you to comprehend, though.. That's probably what it is.. ?
  10. you're really...umm.... idk... odd? maybe a meds issue? ? It's like life or death with you when it comes to Janet. Full-on blinder mode.. but whatever. ....and 20 mins?? Maybe more like 45 seconds.. Just how much time have you spent on here...??
  11. I have vivid memories of being a kid in my room wanting to fuck the hell outta both of them. At. The. Same. Time. #oneday
  12. Damn bruh.. You make it sound so personal.. MJ made more influential videos than Janet, at a time when it was unheard of for black artists' videos to be in rotation on MTV.. In the first half-decade of its existence, MTV benefitted from MJ more than any other artist (arguably even more than most artists still to this day).. His name on that award is far more justified than any full-retard argument you can conjure up in ya mom's basement.. You sound like a walking National Enquirer article homie... get that shit checked out asap ?
  13. Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny how you keep saying it's the "Janet" Jackson Video Vanguard Award... Soo funny... and sad.. But funny ?
  14. Wow such great quality! I love how the letterbox bars have been adjusted/removed so that the picture fills the whole screen! This would look amazing in 1080p HD! Hopefully someday soon that actually comes to fruition.......#prollynottho
  15. So how do we know she's holding ice cream?
  16. ya know what I never knew that.. Def makes sense though.. For some reason I'd always assumed that you're an automatic citizen of whatever country you were born in, but I guess that's just if you're born in the US? idk.. I'll google it later haha
  17. Guess @msboz was right when he reported his friend served her at a Beverly Hills restaurant... Looks as though she wants her baby to be born an American citizen (I mean if she ends up staying in the states by the time she's reaching birth time)..
  18. Took the wife and kid to see the comedy legend "Weird Al" Yankovic tonight in concert! We had perfect front row balcony seats.. Even though most know him for being a comedic singer, he puts on a great show (and actually has more consume changes than Lady Gaga)!!
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