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Another Video Just Surfaces ...this is BEYOND Appalling


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Mayweather, who has been friends with the Canadian singer, 20, for many years, posted a photo of the pair on his Instagram account, accompanied by the message: "Justin has been nothing but kind to me, my daughters and sons over the years.

"We all make mistakes when we are young, it's part of growing up.

"I am proud of what he’s doing as a 20 year old musician and business man."

I'm surprised by that.

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This is getting boring. It was 4 years ago when he was a 14 year old closeted Canadian.

I think the reason its so alarming to ppl it the contradiction of it all. You trying sooooo hard to be one of the "bruthas" but this was the kinda shit you was saying about "bruthas". It would be different if he was a white pop star who was never tryna embrace the urban culture and surroundings... Then ppl could have juss thought..okay, he's juss another racist lil prick,not surprised. But this is a lil surprising, especially with ur fuckin mentor being a BLACK MAN. :blink: JT and Usher both wanted to bring him out and he chose the BLACK man. :blink: that's why this is odd

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I think the reason its so alarming to ppl it the contradiction of it all. You trying sooooo hard to be one of the "bruthas" but this was the kinda shit you was saying about "bruthas". It would be different if he was a white pop star who was never tryna embrace the urban culture and surroundings... But we know in this case ..that's not the case.

5 years ago he wasn't :umm: he was as white as Nebraska..

He only started to embrace black culture in his music during his 2nd album.. So I don't see a contradiction... I see a change of character. People change..

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Game...how do u go from feeling a certain way to now defending him? Okay. I'm done with the discussion at this point with you. Carry on.

Feeling a certain way? I called him an idiot... He's still an idiot

I'm not defending him.. But this didn't happen yesterday... It happened literally when he was 14-15.. Picture yourself 5 years ago.. Are you the same person, with the same mentality?

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Idgaf ..how long ago it was. Was Paula Deen a different person now then she was years ago? U act as if ppl aren't and/or shouldn't have a reaction to this juss becuz it was years ago but WE ARE juss now discovering it, so excuse the public for being a lil thrown off. :blink: his age doesn't excuse shit becuz he was A teen who knew he was making a crude joke..its not like he wasn't aware. He was not 5 yrs old. We excuse teens behavior too much as it is...they know right from wrong. Being immature is one thing but being an immature racist Is another. How is it not contradicting when the man who put you on was A fucking BLACK MAN ... you sound crazy ass shit,right now.

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Paula Deen is what... 70 years old? "Can't teach an old racist new tricks"

I'm not gonna sit here and defend his immaturity just like i'm not gonna sit here and pretend a 14 year old has the same mentality as a 20 year old... He grown up, matured, and apologized.. Now he's quoting Biblical garbage on instagram.. I don't think he should be judge for what he said at that age

His career shouldn't be ruined by what he said 5 years ago.. It should be ruined the ol' fashion way... drug use and shitty music

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Idgaf ..how long ago it was. Was Paula Deen a different person now then she was years ago? U act as if ppl aren't and/or shouldn't have a reaction to this juss becuz it was years ago but WE ARE juss now discovering it, so excuse the public for being a lil thrown off. :blink: his age doesn't excuse shit becuz he was A teen who knew he was making a crude joke..its not like he wasn't aware. He was not 5 yrs old. We excuse teens behavior too much as it is...they know right from wrong. Being immature is one thing but being an immature racist Is another. How is it not contradicting when the man who put you on was A fucking BLACK MAN ... you sound crazy ass shit,right now.

14 is old enough to know right from wrong. Him being young is not an excuse smh.

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I don't believe he is racist. If that was his mother filming and egging him on you see how he grew up... That these things were funny.

It's unfortunate but so is most of his career and reputation at this point

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I'm not str8 up saying he hates blacks.

But its not up to us to split hairs by trying to determine if he is racist, ..coulda been racist or was racist back then. What I'm saying is when you align yourself with hypersensitive topics pertaining to race you can NOT expect one to not view you as a racist becuz your actions can paint you to look like one to another. Your wrong doings are not excused away and/or forgot about becuz the affect of a joke to that magnitude affects a certain group of ppl. I saw a clip of them rolling this footage at the 106&park studio and the audience collectively gasped. Even I sat there..stone cold becuz of the laughter of his, that followed his "joke" That's a REAL reaction as an African American person. It's not to be taken lightly.period. Backlash and consequences are to be expected. And if someone thinks ur a racist...cry me a fucking river. Who Cares.. you didn't care when you and ur ppl were stupid enough to film it. You died by your on sword.

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I only assume

yes it was his mom according to E... disgusting and shes suppose to be sooooooooo religious but i guess when it comes to african americans it's ok to let your kid say these things :crazy::sigh: they both need to be slapped

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I thought you were talking about this video...

oooh Lord I'm seeing this all over facebook today. That woman is str8 up trashy and disgusting. She looks 55 with kids who don't even look like their 8yrs old. Talking about wait for her husband to get there and that her lawyer is involved. What's her lawyer gonna do? Not a damn thang
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Usher weighs in and defends Justin Bieber::

At my core, I am a person that supports growth and understands without judgement, that growth often comes as a result of pain and continues effort. As I have watched Justin Bieber navigate difficult waters as a young man, I can tell you that he hasn’t always chosen the path of his greatest potential, but he is unequivocally not a racist. What he was 5 years ago was a naive child who did not understand the negative power and degradation that comes from playing with racial slurs. What he is now is a young man faced with an opportunity to become his best self, an example to the millions of kids that follow him to not make the same mistakes.

I like Usher but I don't like Justin B but I spotted no lies

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Of course he's gonna defend that his protege..no surprise there. Next

Yet he didn't lie:

What he was 5 years ago was a naive child who did not understand the negative power and degradation that comes from playing with racial slurs.

There's no lies in that line at all... Sorry guys.. but it's true.. a 15 year old, anywhere, will never understand the negative power and degradation of that word... They simply don't know the history... They just see it as a bad word that people shouldn't say... aka every cuss word in the history of mankind

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