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Lawrence O'Donnell and Charles Blow GO IN on George Zimmer's friend Joe Olivier!!


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Mrs. Joe Oliver was dragged for inches of ha life!


On Tuesday night’s The Last Word, George Zimmerman friend and former news anchor Joe Oliver finally ran into an interviewer who has been watching the game films, and the result was an epic two segments of television that left Oliver’s premise, that he knows Zimmerman well enough to know he couldn’t have killed Trayvon Martin in cold blood, in tatters.

This interview, with host Lawrence O’Donnell (possibly still steaming from last night’s walkout by Zimmerman’s lawyer) and The New York Times‘ Charles Blow, is amazing on many levels, and covers many of the points I’ve raised about the misleading, nonsensical things Oliver has been saying, and challenging the closeness of his relationship with Zimmerman. By the second segment, when WaPo’s Jonathan Capehart tagged in, Oliver began to actually dispute the characterization of him as a “close friend,” and told all three that “My role in this just doesn’t make sense.”

Some highlights include Oliver’s weird evasion of O’Donnell’s questions about whether Oliver and Zimmerman were ever co-workers. By the end of the second segment, Oliver acknowledged that “we’re co-workers.” He also made several stunning admissions, including volunteering that “George may have been drinking” the night he was arrested in 2005, then quickly adding that he’s never, ever known Zimmerman to drink.

Aside from the blistering barrage of questions, there were a few unrelated, priceless moments, like when O’Donnell is quizzing Oliver about anger management counseling, and looks like he’s about to slug some guy at the bar. Then, toward the end of the first segment, some of the lights go out in Oliver’s studio, leaving him in a sinister half-light. That should have been a clue to Oliver that things were not going to get better.

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with a friend trying to help out a friend by attesting to his fine character, but what Oliver was doing went well beyond that.

I can’t figure out, for the life of me, why Oliver hung in there for two whole segments of this, but the result was as compelling as anything I’ve seen on cable news. I’ve seen O’Donnell do the pit bull thing before, with varying results, but tonight, he got a subject he could really sink his teeth into.

Why did they have to drag her like that?????Oprah.gifOprah.gif



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:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

They need to drag thet muthafuka becuz all the interviews he was doin yesterday..he was talking in circles.

I WAS GETTING SO HEATED..I WANTED TO REACH INSIDE MY TV AND SLAP THAT MUTHAFUKA becuz he would not answers the questions that he was being asked DIRECTLY!!!!

Hey,I get it..you dont wanna completely down talk your friend..but to go on national tv and make a buffoon of urself is even more damaging because then the public will look at you as sum fuckin delusional nut job,u fool!

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There are so many questions that people are asking that just make sense. George Zimmerman should have been arrested a long time ago because his ass was not a fucking cop and did not have to stalk that boy and confront him. This case does deserve all the attention it's getting because their are questions that need answered like a month ago.

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omg i watched this. what a fucking asshole. he should have known better than to go on Lawrence's show. the dumb ass mf got dragged so fucking bad. and Mr Blow omg he fucking dragged him and then ran his ass over a few time :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

i dont think we will see him anymore. did you see how scarrred that mf got when lawrence told him he will get subpoenaed :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: he saw his life flash in front of him

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There are so many questions that people are asking that just make sense. George Zimmerman should have been arrested a long time ago because his ass was not a fucking cop and did not have to stalk that boy and confront him. This case does deserve all the attention it's getting because their are questions that need answered like a month ago.

Which I find to be insanely ridiculous for some ppl to say no amount of racism is playing a part in this when the proper protocol for ANYONE gunning another human done is automatically for them to be arrested and taken into custody.Zimmerman is suppose to go thru what anyone else who murders someone...figure all that out during a trial -whether he had just cause or not. How da fuck is this man just gonna NOT be arrested for taking someones life? We all know had a black man murdered ANY race ...his ass would have went to jail that nite! P.E.R.I.O.D

It troubles and baffles me that we still live in a society that allows race to override common sense and equality.My,GOD..you would at least think they would at least attempt to be fair in tryna handle this situation since its the biggest story brought to the eyes of the world right now.

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To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with a friend trying to help out a friend by attesting to his fine character, but what Oliver was doing went well beyond that.


I'm so disgusted...and he's making himself look like a fool! The fact that Zimmerman STILL hasn't been arrested...I can't even begin to put my frustrations into words!

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