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Everything posted by Evil.

  1. Evil.


    Pussies across the world will rejoice....
  2. Looking for Myspace and Misfortune are the new Thriller and Purple Rain.
  3. Hercutina Zeusguilera is about to smite the lesser girls.....Do thy will!
  4. He's pretentious and obnoxious as an artist.....but he has a nice ass, so I listened. More Aaliyah...less Drake.
  5. The word "terrorist" is as overused as "swag". I don't believe Barack is a terrorist. I believe he is the leader of a country in a world where war is inevitable. In every war, there are casualties...innocent men, women, children are caught in the crossfire abroad and at home. Now let's touch on the irony of murdered civilians in wars abroad and here in the United States. Why are the dead casualties of war? Why is it that murder is deemed necessary in war but found criminal in the United States? Why do we selectively glorify our dead and ignore those that get killed on their own soil in times of war? If a war was brought to the United States, would murder be as justified as it is overseas? If Osama Bin Laden owned a drug house in my neighborhood and killed over 2,000 of my family and friends, could I shoot him in the skull at point blank range in front of the police and be deemed a hero...avoiding prosecution? Is murder ever justified? Is war really necessary? What dictates a life worthy of death? Who dictates such? I'm not a fan of politics and propaganda...nor pretentious opinions and group logic. Can anyone answer any of these questions? If so, please provide facts for support.
  6. Are we really acting surprised that the owner of a Christian faith-based fast food chain is against gay marriage? LOL...oppression isn't merely relegated to Chick-Fil-A, where there is no exclusion. There are many 'anti-gay marriage' individuals associated with corporate entities that have a place in our daily lives...surely, all of which are not being boycotted. This is just another pissing contest between right-winged/Christian Extremists and the Gay Militia...the same gay militia that is oppressive itself (i.e, racism, misogyny, classism, fascism, transphobia, and so on). I see right through this bullshit on both sides. Putting these places out of business only contributes to the rate of employment...which in turn constitutes more public assistance, higher taxes and national debt accumulated. This is not a matter of human rights. Chick-Fil-A is not the government. It is a restaurant owned by someone that fundamentally is opposed to an inevitable right afforded to all. Why has the focus shifted in the fight to legalize gay marriage from the government to the owner of a restaurant? This is clearly a diversionary tactic meant to make a matter of personal preference a political issue to further both respective agendas.
  7. The children should go to Katherine Jackson.
  8. I'm not going to boycott a restaurant chain because the owner has an opinion about who I'm fucking and/or might possibly want to marry. I don't care how much funding he contributes to anti-gay organizations. Fuck his opinion. Fuck Christian Extremism and Fuck the Gay Militia. Let them hoes fight.
  9. The fact that Janet is involved in this bullshit is confirmation of my suspicions about the executors of Michael's estate. As far as the tabloid family drama goes, haven't we learned enough not to take what the media says seriously...about the Jacksons alone? I'm not going to comment on Michael's children...except to say that something is seriously off with them.
  10. Her pussy could suck start a leaf blower....
  11. Sheree needs to go into the fitness business and market to women in their 40's. 'Shape by Sheree' has a much better ring to it. Nene is entertaining...but she still can't come for anyone until she finds out who her father is. Kandi is the only "wealthy" cast member. Kim is always pregnant and tan. Phaedra has the most class...and that husband of hers Cynthia is gorgeous but about as interesting as paint. Marlo is a hooker. If Bravo really wanted to spice up the show, they would move either Tiffany "New York" Pollard or Omarosa to Atlanta.
  12. The fact that you even compare her to Janet is just sad....you're supposed to be a fan. Instead, you sound like an insecure and reductive stan. There isn't a motherfucker on Earth that can tell me ANYTHING about Janet Jackson...let alone speak against her. Ch..don't you know your history? Check the records. If you don't know who she is, found out. If you do, don't forget it. Leave her outta your tantrums and tirades against others artists and produce a substantial opinion supported by facts. You look bothered.
  13. I need a Buffy movie with Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan and the dude that plays Xander....it would be epic!
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