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Everything posted by trackboy

  1. Where are we getting all this money to fund these tax cuts around the board?
  2. trackboy


    People slept on this so hard. I ain't listened to it in a minute though. Got to dust off my cd.
  3. I wonder if she checking i'd.. because shitt; I just turned 21.
  4. I will forever love this song. My all time favorite Janet Jackson song.
  5. You need to set up the scenario better; my head was throbbing just trying to read that
  6. Okay Norman, you were never a good debater. You were the one who infused my opinion in it.
  7. Negro. You aren't very logical are you? You cannot say for certain that you are 100% not sexually attracted to women because you haven't possibly met all the women in the world. Hasty generalization. Secondly, This is not "my theory," this is human sexuality theory that has been supported by years of research, discussions, and observation from trained professionals. Third, No, the theory does not conclude that I made homosexuality a choice. You are a missing a premise to reach that conclusion. Come with me. 1.) Everyone falls somewhere on the pendulum. -100 to 100 with either of the numbers being stricly heterosexual; or strictly homosexual. It doesn't matter. 2.) In my opinion, you don't get to choose where you are on that pendulum. You just are wherever you land. 3.) As I stated, there would be some people who would be very close to the extremes, you may very well be one of those people treading close to the stricly homosexual side. Now, can you point out where I said that homosexuality was a choice? And for the record, my dick is an equal opportunist. It like whatever's beautiful and knows how treat it. Doesn't care if it is a female or a guy. I don't understand how people could be so restrictive. I swear I always have to educate niggas when I arrive on the scene.
  8. You tried the fuck out of that. She was gold her second week.
  9. Well what part of my logic do you not get? -100 means your gay; +100 means your straight. There are very few people; if any that are at the extremes; everyone is somewhere in the middle. You may be -99 on that meter; that doesn't mean you are totally unattracted to girls; and that one day, there might not be a girl that interests you.
  10. trackboy

    Forum Awards

    I always get robbed from these things! Especially now.. ugh! The horror.
  11. Absolutely; I think everyone is bisexual. I don't think their is a single person is totally heterosexual or totally homosexual; while some may swing more-so to one side of the pendulum.
  12. Damn Ciara needs to get to firing niggas; Diddy's dirty money more than double'd hers; and nobody was taking diddy serious; though that's a good album.
  13. I saw this on the news the other day. It was so sad. Her friend was on there. She said, Elizabeth told her that dying wouldn't be bad because she would be in heaven with her son who died in a car accident.
  14. This is why she will never be successful. She just has no couth.
  15. i'd be kind of upset.. but whatever.. I'd just show up late; or get wasted, while I wait for Janet. idgaf
  16. forgot barbie, fuck nicki..sh..sh..she's fake.
  17. I thought it was good. I am a big Macy Gray fan. She's one of the realest bitches out there.
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