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Everything posted by downeaznboi

  1. can't a dude just have a friend and not be down low gay? except omarion, he's definitely gay
  2. the backing vocals sound like him to me... the main vocals i'm on the fence about. ur voice naturally deepens as you get older.
  3. cold hearted snake - paula abdul oh you can repeat the same animal?
  4. fly like a bird - mariah did i do it right?
  5. downeaznboi


  6. yup, why do we concentrate on the few democrats that vote no and claim the dems coudn't get things done when republicans are the ones that always vote no on what we want?
  7. they barely had a majority- and thats counting leiberman and a few others who should change parties. why is it the fault of the dems for not getting shit done when they are the party with that voted for the legislation we want? why are we blaming those who voted for what we want instead of going after those who always vote no? thats what confuses me.
  8. i'm kinda over him. but to his credit, at the very least, its several notches above the anonymous groups that flood money to buy elections *coughmormonchurchcough*.
  9. I, myself am just tired of him trying to play fair. The republicans don't play fair. They complain about all these "secret" meetings and things getting shoved down their throats but when time comes, when they're asked to give any input, they don't want to work with him. When he tries to work with them (like many say they wish he would do, ha!) they become unabashed obstructionists. Then when we get this watered down legislation with the compromises they wanted, they still vote no. They are playing him for a fool. I don't think its fair to lay blame on him for everything that doesn't get done around here though. The dems are too blame as well. They don't champion their successes. Most people don't like the passed healthcare legislation because it doesn't do enough. Theres no single payer, no government option... but whats passed is wayyy better than the status quo. Medical Insurance, the industry, is a scam and we would be better off without it. The midterm elections come up, they see a few misleading polls, and all abandon! Mostly, I blame republicans. Somehow they convince people to vote against their own interests. They shout out short catch phrases like "Cut taxes", "smaller government", "fiscal responsibility", and appeal to those who have not a clue what the repugs were doing the past 8 years when they were in power. Cut taxes, cut spending? fucking where are they going to cut it from? This is the generation of short attention spans. The tax cuts bush proposed didn't create new jobs, and continuing them wouldn't either. businesses hire when they have products and services which are in demand. They want customers, not tax cuts. i've got to go to the doctor, end rant prematurely
  10. i love how they are giving the other characters more depth. clyde and craig are particularly funny
  11. downeaznboi


    i love it here. its just much more prettier and functional
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