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Everything posted by aed05

  1. Most asst work overtime by default. When you're at someones beck and call anytime of day, overtime comes with the gig. Its the nature of that job. However over 7,000 hours is ridiculous. If she has documentation and can prove it she will get some money. Gaga's team should just quietly cut her a check and call it a day.
  2. This was lovely, but its not surprising. Kelly has always had a good singing voice. Her alto is on point. Why people try to pretend that she can't sing is beyond me. I've heard vocalist say she has a better voice than Bey. But some of her live performances have had her sounding winded, but that was because she was dancing.
  3. "Love Jones". It still holds up, but now that I've gotten older, I realize Lorenz tate was miscast. He wasn't sophisticated enough to pull that character off. Morris Chestnut would have been better.
  4. Tamar is annoying as hell. Its one thing to play around and be crazy with family, but when you're with friends and Business associates act you age. And Toni needs to fire vince as her manager if he aint focused on her career. He has a lot of connections in the industry, so at this point he should have been able to throw Toni a bone.
  5. We aint even gonna talk about how much more he made than Justin Timberfake.
  6. she only made 6 million less than Beyonce. She did damn good considering.
  7. That's because they stay on the road and their tour is massive. They charge their fans crazy cash to see their shows.
  8. She made that money from touring and her sigle sells. I doubt any of these folks are making money from album sells except Adele and Taylor swift.
  9. Usher made more than Bey and Jay? Yup, he's still a factor.
  10. The reason WITOY went to #1 is because it had great pop appeal. As iconic as Nasty, Control and PP are, those song were very urban/R&B. When I think of you can fit into so many formats and that's why I think it did so well.
  11. Pheadra was wrong for bringing up that uptown interview at the shower. That's something she should have confronted Peter about privately. But Peter was wrong for saying all that shit in the first place. Cynthia was wrong for not checking her man when he started to get out of line. All she had to say was "baby lets go". I didn't see Kroy wink off camera in regards to Lawrence, but i will say, as much as i love Lawrence, it wouldn't hurt for him to wear a slacks and a nice dress shirt sometimes. Its a time and a place for drag. The baby shower wasn't it.
  12. I love britney to death, but lets not! And even with cancellations, Janet's show was better than anything brit has done on stage in YEARS! Janet was giving more energy with Vertigo than britney is giving at full health.
  13. Basically. Bullies know who and who not to mess with. If you notice, the only one she's ever put her hands on was KIM!
  14. I can't feel sorry for Nene because Sheree put her on blast. The same way Nene stayed on Kim's neck all these years. Karma's a bitch. And if Nene was causing Sheree to lose money then Sheree has every right to go off. Nene fans kill me making excuses for that hoodrat. Most of yall wouldn't be able to tolerate a person like that in real life.
  15. These days!? When it comes to combining commerce and music, Madonna laid the blueprint. It was never just about the music with her, and to be honest, she didn't really become a serious artist until the 90s.
  16. I wouldn't even call her hood, she was just a sassy around the way type of chick. And she was never stupid. It was always implied on Moesha that the crew made good grades. Then she got her own show, and all of a sudden her character couldn't even graduate from a junior college.
  17. Moesha The Parkers was good for one season, but then it got dumb real fast. I hated how they had Niki chasing the "Professor", and they made kim way to dumb. She actually had a better image on Moesha.
  18. Really? J. Cole of all people? Why not just have Kanye spit a verse since he's already on the track. or better yet, call slick rick since he's who yall sampled, and have him rap. it would have been nostalgic. Plus, radio is already playing the version with Andre anyway.
  19. then how do YOU explain the deflating baby bump?
  20. Pretty much! His team has been studying Mary's blueprint!
  21. Her voice is beautiful and I've always thought so. Just cause she aint screaming and hollering and running around stage like a porch monkey doesn't mean she can't sing. She was the premier black diva of her time, and without her most of these bitches wouldn't have a blueprint. But I agree with dayz that when people say she isn't the best vocalist they are comparing her to the divas of her day like Aretha and Gladys. But the funny thing is during her Billie Holiday era of the early 70s, very few of her peers could have done what she did with Billie's material. And vocally she has been cited by many as an influence. Deniece Williams and Minnie Ripperton both cite diana ross as an influence.
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