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Everything posted by Dal

  1. I never posted in the IMDB boards, but I'd sure as hell look to them to see what the big topics of conversation were about movies I'd watch..
  2. Janet's "portion"...? ? ...if "portion" is another word for "nipple" then you're right.. cuz ain't nobody ever talk about anything she actually did..
  3. he's delusional af.. for the record tho after the reporter checked his dumbass he asked him if he agreed it was at least a "very substantial victory".. textbook narcissist dialogue right there folks..
  4. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    welp.. you just went and done and did it didn't ya..? I wasn't sure if you could prove yourself worthy of being lower-than-unintelligent, but ya just did... ..and you wear glasses brudduh.. start living up to the standards that your face has pre-set for you (i.e. Be smart!) Please point me in the direction where I can find a quote from myself stating how awesome I think it is that Janet lip-synchs all the time.. SPOILER ALERT! You're not gonna find one! And if I'm not mistaken, we're discussing Beyonce right now, correct?? Deflect! Deflect! Deflect! shit next thing I know is you're going to be screaming "Benghazi! Emails! Obamacare!" I literally GOL (groaned out loud) right now.. Beyonce has you fooled ya fool... hey I bet you believe Janet sings live all the time also, amirite..?! And you most likely think Gaga lip-synched her Halftime show, no doubt... cant nothing get by you homie! ?? Next thing I know is you're going to argue that her Drunk In Love Grammy performance was fully live too! Ahahahahaha!
  5. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    I find it funny how none of them have anything to say about it either... ..things that make you go hmmm ?
  6. Dal

    iPhone 8

    aaaaand jokes!
  7. Dal

    iPhone 8

    Lol! Also tell her tell you a story
  8. ran across this video on Facebook.. not a bad list.. really like how the video creator provided extended clips of each.. check it out!
  9. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    hey what do you (and you guys) think about this performance when (again) Beyonce was clearly lip-synching on the Grammys, with little-to-no dancing/choreography.. my personal favorite part is at 3:07 when she forgot she wasn't singing live and pulled the mic away too soon! ? FUXKING HILARIOUS! ?? What's your guys' favorite part? Now what was that y'all were saying about her being able to "outsing Adele any day"...?! ?
  10. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    whatever "point" you're attempting to make has fallen flat on its ass.. the bitch didn't smile until she said thanks at the end.. is that not reality? what a moron hahahaha
  11. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    I'm actually in agreement with you here.. it's rather difficult to have a legitimate discussion with someone who doesn't even accept the facts of reality... ...and once you do, let me know. ✌?
  12. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    I get what that is supposed to be (a mic feed), I never said I didn't understand what that video of it was meant to show/represent.. what I'm saying is that is bullshit.. that's not in fact a mic feed, rather its the isolated vocal track that she lip-synched to.. it's pretty obvious, even from the broadcast version.. you're so pressed about my thoughts on Beyonce.. I love this, please keep this going!
  13. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    I'm not the one acting like I'm on Beyonce's payroll bruh... ?
  14. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    Just. Stop. That was not a hot mic she had in her hand. That was pure playback homie. It's pretty easy to have a flawless vocal in a LIVE performance when the vocal isn't LIVE. I doubt there was a moment when her mic was actually switched ON, except when she said "Thank you so much" at the end. Out of all the performers that night, she was the only one who chose to use playback rather than sing live. Sad.
  15. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    Word..?! I had not heard that about his vegas deal yet.. when did that get announced?? That's fkn doope tho! I'd bet those tickets would sell out in a day so I'd need a heads up as to when they would go on sale.. we've seen him once before in concert, but it was a minute ago... like 2011.. and Bruno Mars was part of a Wild Jam type show.. he opened for Drake, and Drake opened for Chris Brown.. The stupid group that made "Fly Like A G6" opened for Bruno.. they did like 20 painful min, the Bruno did 4 songs in half an hour, then Drake was like almost an hour, and Breezy was over an hour as the headliner.. all of them but G6 crew were really great, but we wanted to see more of Bruno, so now finally we'll get to! ??
  16. Lots of titties. Lots. Of. Them. ?
  17. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    then why did Adele perform two separate times and used zero playback, while Beyonce merely strolled around on stage and still had to lip-synch? im not saying Bey can't sing... she certainly can, quite well in fact.. but imo your argument that she can "outsing Adele any day" is null in void since she clearly didn't sing live, the only one to do so the entire night ?
  18. Dal

    The Grammy's 2017

    This was painful to watch for me.. it just cemented even more how she was the only one to lip-synch on music's biggest night.. and she wasn't even dancing, why is she so afraid to sing foreals?
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