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Everything posted by Dal

  1. we try to do something fun out of town as a family every couple months... this was first extended childless vacation in a looong time.. this weekend we are going to Universal Studios Hollywood this Saturday.. none of us have ever been there, so it should be fun!
  2. haven't booked another cruise yet but eventually yea
  3. Ha!! That footage will remain safely protected on my hard drive!
  4. you know a good deal...? ? homie, you got yourself an iPhone 7 and yet you can't simultaneously charge the battery and plug in an audio jack for your car/headphones....and then you go on an internet message board to bitch and moan about it, and then complain some more when someone offers up a simple solution cuz you can't afford a $10-20 adapter......... But yeah....you must know a good deal ??
  5. bruh.. it's basically free.. in fact, I pay $10 each month rather than $100 for the whole year.. I'm spending a few bucks more in total but I can halt it at anytime.. and besides, I didn't really get Amazon Prime for the free shipping, I got it for their steaming services.. they're like another Spotify/Apple Music/Netflix/Hulu, and when you have kids it can be a lifesaver.. but go head wit yo cheap ass! ??
  6. boo hoo u clearly ain't woke enough to even have Amazon Prime (i.e. Free 2-day shipping bruh) ?
  7. If you have an iPhone 7 and you don't have this, what are you doing? To hell with the headphone jack on an iPhone (or any phone), especially considering the fact that it truly does take up a lot of valued "real estate" within the physical phone shell/casing, itself.. good for samsung.. it wouldn't be the first thing they've copied from Apple.. Link to pictured adapter: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MFCXICJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_WWjsybRW46FN9
  8. I'm not even much of a fan but I admire and respect Gaga.. she's always seemed true to herself, great to those around her, writes/produces a ton of her own material, seems to respect the Jacksons immensely, and has proven she can do just about type of musical genre.. I don't think I've ever really heard her talk shit about anyone either..
  9. I'm in the minority, but I liked Suicide Squad.. I was slightly disappointed, I wanted to love it, but I ended up only liking it.. will def be buying the 3D bluray when it's released! also, we just finished War Dogs... highly recommended folks! I loved it.. it had a very Wolf of Wall Steeet type of vibe/tone throughout.. really enjoyed it, crazy that it's based in a true story also!
  10. My favorite track off the whole album!
  11. while I was watching this, I was reminded over and over again of Cecily Strong's SNL character "the girl at a party you wish you didn't start a conversation with"... hahahahaha!
  12. Surprised she didn't submit Unbreakable for the best Polka album!
  13. not positive you're referring to me, buuuuut... I'm from the bay homie ? I also posted it on my Facebook, IG, Twitter, a few cruise forums, a couple other random sites (like this one)....annnnnnd I paid YouTube $12 to promote it periodically for 14 days.. believe me, I was just as surprised when I went to sleep last night and it had 530 views, and I wake up this morning and it more than doubled that lol..
  14. The word "documentary" is literally in the title.. this isn't a slideshow.. this is personal homeshot footage edited into an almost half-hour "film" with a narrative.. it has received nearly 1,300 views in 4 days.. partially thanks to you commenting so much in this thread.. thanks bro!
  15. almost two months.. it took a couple hours a night, few nights a week.. thanks for watching! You don't have to watch it you don't want to.. you've already done such a great job at helping it stay bumped at the top so others can check it out! ??? yes! The food was amazing! Not so much the buffet food, but all the food that was made to order was delicious! Literally some of the best steak I've ever had in my life
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