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Everything posted by Dal

  1. Director John Landis confirmed over 2 years ago that he was involved in a 3D conversion of the original Thriller short film, and expected to be released around Halloween time of the following year. This is the first time he has spoken about that project since then, and confirms it's already completed (although this time he doesn't exactly say it's a 3D project). 2017 is the 35th anniversary of the Thriller album, so you know the MJ Estate isn't going to let that milestone pass by without "$elebrating" it... im a proponent of 3D (if done correctly), and the only other times Mike was seen in three dimensions was Captain EO (amazing 3D effects) and the footage filmed for the This Is It concerts (which looked amazing as well)... of course this is a cash grab, but imo this is still fascinating!
  2. My kids still lovin our Wii-U, so def zero rush to go out and cop this just yet.. but I'll be checking for what type of games they put out for it
  3. Dal

    New Picture

    to be fair, the term "Lord" is used in the Muslim religion, in the same way it's used in Catholicism and Christianity..
  4. Dal

    New Picture

    I think I'm actually the one who originally inquired about that, if I'm not mistaken.. ahaha
  5. I been finding Megan Kelly pretty sexy lately.. I love how much she can't stand trump, yet she has to be subtle and not "in-your-face" about it...
  6. Pearl Jam deserves to get inducted just based on Jeremy, alone!! love it!
  7. probably just enough to order something off the 2 for $2.50 menu from Mickey-D's!! ? ...but point taken.
  8. Who gives af if someone didn't know who Chic was.. like really folks, ya'll gettin ya speedos caught in ya booty hole over nothing.. on Apple Music the top 10 played songs from Chic are actually the same 2 or 3 songs over and over from different compilation albums (albeit great songs).. I ain't a fan of Norman much myself, but at least go in on him when it's justified and makes sense.. ?
  9. I selfishly would want them to wait until Janet was ready to attend the induction ceremony AND perform.. I somehow can't picture Janet being ready/willing to attend (let alone perform) in 6 months time, so if she doesn't get in this time around, I'd prefer them to wait.. Although, last year was the PERFECT time for her to be inducted, and rightfully so (she should've been inducted first year like Mike and Madonna), she had a number one album, performance ready and focused... oh well..
  10. Just watched Hocus Pocus with my daughter the other day.. I loved that movie when I was 9 and I still love that movie as a 32YO!
  11. what does that have to do with anything? the AMA winners are determined solely by sales... so like I said, it's a nice gesture, but any chance of her winning is DOA.. EDIT: I just looked up the AMAs and found that it has changed to online polling that determines the winners, as opposed to music sales (how it used to be).. either way, the Beyhive and the Navy will be out in full force. So I stand by what I was saying by calling it a nice gesture, because it is. Most likely it was the AMA's slight attempt at getting her to show up to add some sort of legitimacy to the whole event...imo
  12. That's a nice gesture... but I mean c'mon folks ?
  13. Dal

    New Picture

    good shit bruh.. I gotta ask tho, how'd u know?
  14. he wasn't.. the musical guest over the weekend on SNL was TwentyOne Pilots.. he will be on this weekend tho! ??
  15. u said everything you said based off of a single still image.. smoke a bowl n kick back.. ....cuz u suck
  16. Damn bruh u so negatory.. it's not a remake btw.. it's a sequel.. and Dwayne Johnson is dope.. he seems like a genuinely nice down to earth type guy.. u suck tho
  17. I like the song she did on Yo Gabba Gabba.... ...and that's about all I'm willing to listen to from her..
  18. Take Care imo is Drake's Thriller... NWETS is good, Views is ok, but hard to top Take Care...
  19. The live-action Disney remakes have been awesome so far (with the exception of Alice)... and Jon Favreau is an incredible director! I'm excited! ?
  20. in the last 3 months alone I've received two separate calls from pollers.... ....maybe they just don't love you ?
  21. yea it's close but idk.. I have a feeling when all is said and done, it ain't gonna be that close.... at all
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