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Game of Thrones, Season 5 begins tonight!!!


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So because I'm the last person on earth who hasn't seen this show, I decided to start this morning while waiting for Janet's presale.


I only watched the first episode; that shit was wild. :mellow::lol:

I starting re-watching all the seasons prior to this season. I only got to season two. But season one is veryyyyyyyyyyy good..I'll continue watching them until I'm done.


And it helps to rewatch them so you can see all the foreshadowing up until the latest season.  I've spotted so much shit that I didn't know..outside of going to fan forums and the internet.

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Jon Snow needed a walk of Shame, except it would have been a walk of HAAAAAAY.


Anyway Cersi was using a body double from the interviews.


All I know Is Melisandre better get the lord of light on speed dial and cuss him out for his broke ass powers.  He failed Stannis, he better offer a refund on burning that lil girl and rez Jon Snow for free

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Jon Snow needed a walk of Shame, except it would have been a walk of HAAAAAAY.


Anyway Cersi was using a body double from the interviews.


All I know Is Melisandre better get the lord of light on speed dial and cuss him out for his broke ass powers.  He failed Stannis, he better offer a refund on burning that lil girl and rez Jon Snow for free

:lmao:  Yes and that walk of shame was too damn long for me.  I mean I got the point 2 minutes into it.  

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This may be the weakest season so far.  Although the last two episodes could be the best of the series, the season was underwhelming.


The season finale was good though.  All the cliffhangers.ed2305b7.pngAll the meltdowns. ed2305b7.pngAll the deaths. ed2305b7.png


Social media was a mess!


Anyway, my favorite two scenes came from two ends of my love/hate spectrum. Arya was so fucking badass last night for killing that psycho pedo. :yahoo: Such a great actress.  But to bad it was short lived. >_<  I wonder if braille was invented back then? :shifty:


And then there was Cersei. I hate her as a character, but Lena Headey as an actress>>> Viola Davis betta hold on to ha wig! That walk of shame is Emmy worthy..and she was bold as fuck to expose herself like that.  I still don't feel sorry for her but she will get ha revenge now that she has a giant of her own.


Sansa and Reek jumping off into the "snow".. :asham:  I can't wait to see where this heading.


Poor Stannis. You lose your family and possibly your life to Brienne of Tarth.  The battle scene was weak..but they had no budget after the last two episodes.. :asham:


Am I the only one who doesn't care if Jon is dead or not? :unsure:  I didn't care for him anyway..I mean he's hot..and he may be one of The Mother of Dragon's riders..but his death didn't affect me..like say if The Mother of Dragons aka Khaleesi would die..or if Arya died..the internet went crazy..but the Red Priestess aka Melisandre came back to the Wall. :wave:


The Breaker of Chains has her Dothraki warriors back! Since Drogon was acting fat and lazy, she will ride back to retrieve her other chirren and head to Westeros to procure Jon, Arya, and the throne. :excited::cry:  


The night is dark and full of terrors..


Winter is still coming..


See you guys next season!



omg i fucking love your recaps :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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i only watched part of it. omg the walk of shame all those men showing her there dicks was funny as fuck  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:



The walk of shame was brilliantly executed. The musical score was amazing. The length can be argued, but the further she went, the further she was going to the people that hate her the most.  It was good to see because no one was really saying anything until they were getting close to the slums..so then the name calling and shit throwing was happening.. :lmao:


She didn't get any sympathy from me..I was yelling yesssssssss..shame ha! Throw her to the wolves! But Lena Headey did that.

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I refuse to believe Jon is really dead. I shouted when he was stabbed but I think Melisandre came back for Jon. She will revive him. I think she set Stannis up ever since she saw Jon. She sees something in him and they never answered the question of his parentage. Who is his mother? I think the three dragons are for Dany, Tyrion, and Jon.

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I refuse to believe Jon is really dead. I shouted when he was stabbed but I think Melisandre came back for Jon. She will revive him. I think she set Stannis up ever since she saw Jon. She sees something in him and they never answered the question of his parentage. Who is his mother? I think the three dragons are for Dany, Tyrion, and Jon.

Right... Why did she go back to Castle Black of all places? I dunno. Death has been very final on this show and that's something I like about it. But something may be up.

But Kit said he's not coming back and that Jon is really dead -_-

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I refuse to believe Jon is really dead. I shouted when he was stabbed but I think Melisandre came back for Jon. She will revive him. I think she set Stannis up ever since she saw Jon. She sees something in him and they never answered the question of his parentage. Who is his mother? I think the three dragons are for Dany, Tyrion, and Jon.



I hope Arya becomes one of the dragon riders as well. Her knowledge of the Targaryen sisters who rode dragons makes me believe she could be one of them.



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Right... Why did she go back to Castle Black of all places? I dunno. Death has been very final on this show and that's something I like about it. But something may be up.

But Kit said he's not coming back and that Jon is really dead -_-

Have you heard the theory of who Jon's parents really are?

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I refuse to believe Jon is really dead. I shouted when he was stabbed but I think Melisandre came back for Jon. She will revive him. I think she set Stannis up ever since she saw Jon. She sees something in him and they never answered the question of his parentage. Who is his mother? I think the three dragons are for Dany, Tyrion, and Jon.

Possibly.  But Melisandre looked genuinely shocked that her shit didnt pan out.  I mean if it was all a setup it would make sense.  But when Stannis started getting all the reports that clearly showed the Lord of light was on a coffee break and not answering the sacrifice of lil girl being roasted she looked like someone walked over her grave.


Then she ran back to the Wall.


I don't care what she does she better bring Jon Snow back.  The reason its so shocking is because they are killing off anyone who you could possibly want to root for.  I mean Yeah mother of Dragons whatever but shes been sitting in the pyramid for 2 seasons now.  This whole season she literally didnt move until she flew off in the second to last episode.  


Hell I almost want the White walkers to win and kill all these people at this point.  The entire Nights watch needs to die terribly.

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That Raygar (spelling?) and Katlyn's sister Liana or whatever are his parents?

I think I did hear that although I can't remember where.

Ned's sister Lyanna is Jon's mother..and Rhaegar Targaren is his daddy!


I hope they address this..if not, then Jon is really dead. But I think Melisandre is going to bring him back.

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Ned's sister Lyanna is Jon's mother..and Rhaegar Targaren is his daddy!

I hope they address this..if not, then Jon is really dead. But I think Melisandre is going to bring him back.

Oh that's Ned's sister? Are you sure hotsycakes? :unsure:

The way it ended... So close in on him like that. I dunno what to think. -_-

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Oh that's Ned's sister? Are you sir hotsycakes? :unsure:

The way it ended... So close in on him like that. I dunno what to think. -_-

Yesssssss! That's why her statue is at Winterfell. Catelyn is from the Eyre/Vale.


Another reason why I rewatched the first season. It was some tea being spilled that I didn't pay attention to when I first started watching it.

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Yesssssss! That's why her statue is at Winterfell. Catelyn is from the Eyre/Vale.

Another reason why I rewatched the first season. It was some tea being spilled that I didn't pay attention to when I first started watching it.


One thing I remembered was when Melisandre said to Arya she could see many eyes looking back at her or something to that effect. Foreshadowing for the many faced God shenanigans?

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One thing I remembered was when Melisandre said to Arya she could see many eyes looking back at her or something to that effect. Foreshadowing for the many faced God shenanigans?

Melisandre and her powah! Not her predicting Arya's future and not Stannis'. KI!


She wants Jon..and hopefully she can resurrect him..if not, King White Walker can..



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Melisandre and her powah! Not her predicting Arya's future and not Stannis'. KI!

She wants Jon..and hopefully she can resurrect him..if not, King White Walker can..


Omg I just read this thing about reasons why Jon may come back and all this other stuff. It's like down the rabbit hole. :ph34r: it makes me excited, like they put us through this season for a reason -_-

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Omg I just read this thing about reasons why Jon may come back and all this other stuff. It's like down the rabbit hole. :ph34r: it makes me excited, like they put us through this season for a reason -_-

Apparently he's a fan favorite..but he said he is dead and won't come back..I'm so confused. -_-


He supposedly signed on for seasons six and seven..I think he's trolling us.. :thumbdown:

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