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It sucks that Kenya has someone to back up Kesha's story about her calling Evelyn loose but the thing is is that she wasn't scared of Evelyn and I liked that. She told Evelyn if I said it I said it. I was trying to feel sorry for her but yeah indeed I guess she did say that about Evelyn.

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The NEW bitches arent giving me ANYTHING AT ALL. They seem boring and just some unnecessary fillers.

Tami seems toned down because it looks like the drama is gonna be more circled around Ev and Jen's broken friendship.

OMG you are so right Lord Jesus they don't bring shit to the table but snoozes :umm:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dayz....what did you think of the way Tami, Keisha Royce, Suzie and Jen treated Kenya at her video viewing? :umm: I'm sorry but they did TEW MUCH. :umm: I don't even LIKE Kenya's black swan bipolar looking ass, but they went to hard on her. Tami was the ring leader...of course......she just did too much. :sigh: The video was a mess but they were just being mean just for the sake of being mean. I actually felt bad for her. :umm:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seriously. My lord......it was just.....i can't anymore. Tami is a bully....pointblank. The coughing and the table fight.....just so unnecessary. I'm so sick of her. :sigh::rolleyes:

i can definitely see that now. I dont care what that little girl said behind her back, she over.reacted and over.acted. Im over her.

And what is up with that little girl Royce. Bitch needs to grow the fuck up. :mellow: With her cry baby ass, i just cant with that show anymore. I cant.

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Honestly although Tami and Evelyn are the best looking of the girls i'm sick of their behavior. I find myself still trying to like them just cause they're pretty lol. When is somebody gonna beat Suzie's ass? :mellow: 3 seasons and no one has whooped her ass yet for running her mouth. I know she's the one who went back and told Tami what Keisha said. Her and Royce were the only ones there when she said it and Royce ain't trying to get involved in that drama

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Suzie runs her mouth, but she isn't the problem, she's just the messenger and think about it, the producers WANT Suzie to play her role and probably want her to be the middle person. If Suzie kept quiet, there wouldn't be any fighting (though I'm sure Evelyn and Tami would find a problem with SOMEONE).

In this situation, Tami has a bad temper and Kesha isn't going to react.

Kesha is much better than me, because judging by the next preview when Tami takes her freaking belongings, she wants to leave Tahiti, an all expenses paid vacation. SCREW THAT! If someone who disrespects me takes my property and tries to ruin my vacation in paradise, I am getting in their face and handling it. Tami is never going to learn it seems.

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Suzie runs her mouth, but she isn't the problem, she's just the messenger and think about it, the producers WANT Suzie to play her role and probably want her to be the middle person. If Suzie kept quiet, there wouldn't be any fighting (though I'm sure Evelyn and Tami would find a problem with SOMEONE).

In this situation, Tami has a bad temper and Kesha isn't going to react.

Kesha is much better than me, because judging by the next preview when Tami takes her freaking belongings, she wants to leave Tahiti, an all expenses paid vacation. SCREW THAT! If someone who disrespects me takes my property and tries to ruin my vacation in paradise, I am getting in their face and handling it. Tami is never going to learn it seems.

Well they need to make part of the show where Suzie gets her ass beat or hair snatched or something shit. I'm tired of her ass gettin' off Scott free. Now we all know Keisha ain't gonna step up to nobody. She's not even a fighter...hell she ran from Kenya :mellow: Keisha is short and small and Tami is tall and has weight. She'd get pummeled

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Well they need to make part of the show where Suzie gets her ass beat or hair snatched or something shit. I'm tired of her ass gettin' off Scott free. Now we all know Keisha ain't gonna step up to nobody. She's not even a fighter...hell she ran from Kenya :mellow: Keisha is short and small and Tami is tall and has weight. She'd get pummeled

Suzie does nothing different that the other girls haven't done, except she does it more often because she's cool with everyone. All the girls have taken information said in confidence and ran behind the others back.

It's all very childish high school games and seeing this behavior makes me want to dive deeper into helping people with their psychological problems!

This show gets worse and worse. I'd really like to see Shaunie more involved and get an actual story line. Unfortunately, each time she's around, one of the girls has to act a fool and someone argues or gets beat up!

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Suzi's mouth may be big but she isn't the main problem here. Plus, you need her ass around. She's the pot stirrer. -_-

i can definitely see that now. I dont care what that little girl said behind her back, she over.reacted and over.acted. Im over her.

And what is up with that little girl Royce. Bitch needs to grow the fuck up. :mellow: With her cry baby ass, i just cant with that show anymore. I cant.


I'm like the only one on the face of the earth that actually likes Royce. :ph34r:

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Suzi's mouth may be big but she isn't the main problem here. Plus, you need her ass around. She's the pot stirrer. -_-

I'm like the only one on the face of the earth that actually likes Royce. :ph34r:

No, plenty of people like her. Just not here. :coffee:

She's been my fav since day one and she's easily the most likable character on the show. I love that when suzie came to her about going with them on that trip Royce simply declined. Why go where you're not wanted only to have these bitches turn on you and attack. Meeka made this mistake last year and Keisha made it this year. You see where it got them. :filenails:

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I'm like the only one on the face of the earth that actually likes Royce. :ph34r:

I'm #TeamRoyce too cuz I can relate to the situations she was in. I honestly think Royce's reputation improved a little because she's away from the drama. She was good this season until all the crying. That was very juvenile and uncalled for.

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I'm #TeamRoyce too cuz I can relate to the situations she was in. I honestly think Royce's reputation improved a little because she's away from the drama. She was good this season until all the crying. That was very juvenile and uncalled for.

DAMN! A bitch can't cry? :mellow:

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DAMN! A bitch can't cry? :mellow:

But not like she was doing it. That was entirely too much. Though I think her father made some good points, calling her needy was a blow, but she could've kept her composure a little better. That said, I really hope she and Dezmon can move on from the twitter mess and work out in the end.

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Suzi's mouth may be big but she isn't the main problem here. Plus, you need her ass around. She's the pot stirrer. -_-


I'm like the only one on the face of the earth that actually likes Royce. :ph34r:

She ain't the main problem but she is a problem and she needs to be handled. I don't see how y'all can take up for Suzi but don't say nothing when Jennifer gets slapped and stuff thrown at her from the other girls :rolleyes: All this takin' up fa Suzi gon' have to come to an end

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Let me run down my opinion since I haven't put in my 2 cents on this season enough I guess.

Shaunie - the creator, big mama, spectator, and instigator....any time she's around, things go down. Her presence only heightens the drama.

Evelyn - immature, petty, mean, attention seeking, and mean (had to go 2xs on the mean).

Tami - explosive, lacks self-control, volatile, and needs more than a few therapy sessions to deal with her "issues".

Suzie - the courier, messenger, wild one. Honestly, without her, there would be a lack of drama. She keeps things going.

Jen - I've grown to like Jen. She is so bougie and self-assured, it's hilarious. From what I've seen on the show (don't care about the blogs and tweets, not interested), she's handled her situations very well. I like her without Evilyn.

Royce - I've always liked Royce. Her decision to stay away from the circle has done her well, trying to fit in with a group that has NEVER been balanced or even. She needs to live her own life and stop trying to seek approval from others.

Kenya - I like her kind of crazy, but Evilyn just had to throw bottles and act like a hyena, now we hardly see any of her. She's insane, but not Tami-psychotic and it's refreshing. Obviously added as bait and bullying target.

Kesha - The most obvious bait and bullying target. She's pretty, though too quiet. Would have been nice to see her have some fun and let her hair down, but no, the evil forces wouldn't let it happen. She DID give me the best moment of Basketball Wives history...."the Kesha stare". :D

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I'm sorry but after tonight seeing what Tami did to Kisha picking on her and having that girl breakdown like that after being picked on by both black and white people her whole life i'm not here for Tami anymore. That shit was disgusting and it even had Evelyn breaking down crying for that girl. It almost had me tearing up. :tear: Hell All the girls knew Tami was wrong and when they told Tami about it she tried to make it like she didn't go too far when she really did. Suzi talking about she doesn't like to see people down and hurt like that but bitch you the one who started the shit by runnin' ya mouth. This ain't the first time Suzi dun started some shit like she did with Meeka and then feel bad afterwards saying how she ain't want nothing bad to happen. Sorry i'm done with Tami til she gets her shit together and Suzi i'm done with for good

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I'm sorry but after tonight seeing what Tami did to Kisha picking on her and having that girl breakdown like that after being picked on by both black and white people her whole life i'm not here for Tami anymore. That shit was disgusting and it even had Evelyn breaking down crying for that girl. It almost had me tearing up. :tear: Hell All the girls knew Tami was wrong and when they told Tami about it she tried to make it like she didn't go too far when she really did. Suzi talking about she doesn't like to see people down and hurt like that but bitch you the one who started the shit by runnin' ya mouth. This ain't the first time Suzi dun started some shit like she did with Meeka and then feel bad afterwards saying how she ain't want nothing bad to happen. Sorry i'm done with Tami til she gets her shit together and Suzi i'm done with for good

I'm watching right now, and it's pissing me off!!

What's also pissing me off (besides the way Tami is acting) is NOONE is telling Tami she is dead azz wrong and ain't doing shit about it!! I sure as hell don't expect stupid ass dumbass Suzi to do it, but Eve or Shaunie should have stepped in.. ay this girl (meaning Kesha) is really upset and just wants her stuff back. Then grabbed the purse from Tami and gave it back to her. Obvious Eve and Shaunie both scared of Tami. Who wouldn't be though, bitch is unbearable... especially after she's had that liquid courage in her. I shouldn't be too surprsised Eve didn't step in cuz she's a bully herself. I'm sorry I don't believe Eve and her tears. ESPECIALLY after the episode at the horse track. She wanna start crying because Jennifer called that chick "Bum Bitch" and "Jen shouldn't be calling nobody bum bitch and judging people for what they don't have"....yada yada... knowing how many dayum times she came at Royce (Tami also for that matter) for how she dresses, and how many times she's judged on appearances, and there have been plenty of times "bum bitch" has come out of Evelyn's mouth.

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Eve and Tami BOTH have been doing WAY TOO DAYUM much this season!! It's getting annoying!!

I don't know which reaction is worse over some stupid bs...Jumping on a table, loungin, then throwing shit at someone, or taking shit that doesn't belong to you, holding it hostage, then getting pissed when security is called on you.

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