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Work It Out: Kelly Rowland Shoots Sexy Abs DVD

Lacking Kelly Rowland‘s motivation? The R&B diva is here to help with a new DVD so you can score your very own set of rock hard “Sexy Abs.”

Known as much for her killer legs as for being a singer, songwriter and model, the 30-year-old is teaming up with her good friend and celebrity trainer to the stars Jeanette Jenkins for her first fitness DVD aptly titled Sexy Abs which will also feature Kelly’s music throughout the video.

According to the press release:

Inspired by Rowland’s fans who frequently ask about her own fitness routine, the DVD will give them unique access to the same exercises that have shaped Rowland’s own sexy abs, with her own trainer and own music throughout. Coupled with Jenkins’ signature fun, high-energy style, the workout is designed to motivate, sculpt a sexy midsection, and deliver the health benefits of improved core strength, a key component in preventing lower back pain. The DVD will be available this fall through Amazon as well as on www.kellyrowland.com and www.thehollywoodtrainer.com to give fans a motivational boost before the holiday season.

This isn’t the first time that Kelly, whose new album Here I Am hits stores finally on July 26, 2011, has set out to inspire ladies to move their lovely lady lumps. In April, Kelly drew thousands of participants when she issued a six-week “Bikini Bootcamp” challenge via Twitter to motivate fans to get it right and tight for summer.

Check out some screen shots from the video filmed in Van Nuys, California.

Will you pick up the video when it becomes available this holiday season? And more importantly, do you think Kelly’s new album will bump Beyonce‘s 4 from the top spot?





Gurl... :umm:

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All that and she's only performed her single once. She must wanna flop. :umm:


Promo is being poorly executed on all fronts:

1. Motivation hit #1 on Urban charts and has peaked.

2. Motivation was just recently sent to Pop radio for adds.

3. She's only performed her single once on the BET Awards, and it wasn't even technically her "own" performance.


She needs to strike while Beyonce's camp is distracted by Daddy Knowles. All the other ex-DC members can only dream of this kind of set up for an album, and she's doing an exercise video? :mellow::sigh:

The current "buzz" for the album can only do so much for this unmotivated and delayed bitch.

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Promo is being poorly executed on all fronts:

1. Motivation hit #1 on Urban charts and has peaked.

2. Motivation was just recently sent to Pop radio for adds.

3. She's only performed her single once on the BET Awards, and it wasn't even technically her "own" performance.


She needs to strike while Beyonce's camp is distracted by Daddy Knowles. All the other ex-DC members can only dream of this kind of set up for an album, and she's doing an exercise video? :mellow::sigh:

The current "buzz" for the album can only do so much for this unmotivated and delayed bitch.


She is working on X-FACTOR at the moment though ... this 2nd half of the year is going to be really big for her

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She is working on X-FACTOR at the moment though ... this 2nd half of the year is going to be really big for her

In the UK. :umm:

She needs to get her shit together in North America and take advantage of the support she got out of nowhere for this era instead of doing sit-ups and jumping jacks on DVD. :sigh:

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It leaked?!?!?

no not yet but im sure it will leak really soon

i heard an stream cuz im a dj so sometimes they send us download or streams of albums early but this was just a stream so im sure someone will rip it of have it soon enough

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no not yet but im sure it will leak really soon

i heard an stream cuz im a dj so sometimes they send us download or streams of albums early but this was just a stream so im sure someone will rip it of have it soon enough

*Throws tantrum*


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Beyonce’s ‘4′ Producer Jeff Bhasker Trashes Kelly Rowland’s “Motivation”

It’s a good thing Jeff Bhasker isn’t destiny, because if he was, it’d be clear that he had chosen a favorite child. The “Party” producer (who worked on a number of other 4 tracks, too) took to Twitter to trash Kelly Rowland’s slinky single “Motivation”: “How can this kr song with the weakest beat and melody of all time be the #1 song on urban!? Oh yeah. Wayne.” (Guess he’s not a Weezy fan either.) But why such harsh words for “Motivation”? Find out more below.

The Grammy-winning producer has worked on smash hits for the likes of Kanye West, Alicia Keys, and Jay-Z in addition to Beyonce, so clearly knows a little something about what makes good music. Still, there are a lot of songs out there that probably deserve his criticism even more, so what’s his beef with “Motivation”? Maybe he’s just trying to Bey a leg up, since so many of us are keeping an eye on how the two ladies’ singles and albums are measuring up against each other.

Bhasker followed up with this tweet: “I just listened to Motivation again to see if I was to harsh in my critique. I wasn’t. The lyrics are horrid as well.” (C’mon, Jeff, tell us how you really feel.)

And, finally, calling out the controversy: “Come on twitter you know you live for the negative tweets.”

We’re sure Kells and Bey are mature enough not to let this stand between them, but what do you think of Bhasker’s comments? Out of line, or right on the money?


Somebody's mad. :umm:

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The “Party” producer (who worked on a number of other 4 tracks, too) took to Twitter to trash Kelly Rowland’s slinky single “Motivation”: “How can this kr song with the weakest beat and melody of all time be the #1 song on urban!? Oh yeah. Wayne.”

Bhasker followed up with this tweet: “I just listened to Motivation again to see if I was to harsh in my critique. I wasn’t. The lyrics are horrid as well.” (C’mon, Jeff, tell us how you really feel.)


Somebody's mad. :umm:

he has a point tho :whistle:

tho he produced "PARTY"... :&

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