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Friends with Benefits


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Okay so im watching this movie that stars Justin Timberlake, and that alone is giving me bad teas. BUT it does propose an interesting concept, is friends with the benefit of sex a good thing? Or is there something still missing anyway? I mean sure we get horny and want a piece, but after that then what?

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Even though I can't stand Justin "wack overrated ass" Timberlake, I enjoyed this movie. Mila Kunis is beautiful :blush: and a refreshingly good young actress -- her and Emma Stone are my 2 favorite younger actresses. Though I liked the movie and enjoyed the storyline, I do think that that ending was rushed.

To answer to OP: As previously mentioned, I don't really think a 'Friends With Bennies' situation can truly 100% work because 1 DOES end up catching feelings, whether they want to admit it or not. When feelings are caught, that goes against the whole idea of 'FWB'

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It can work a few years ago I did that with a friend...

We just got out of relationships he was tired of being a bottom so one day while we were high I told him he could practice being a top on me if he really wanted to. He said since he fucked me that it gave him confidence to be a top this was years ago though we both in relationships and still friends... We act as if nothing ever happened... its funny because his ex was like when he was with me he was a bottom so now he a top wtf? :whistle:

FWB isn't a long term thing.... I enjoyed the movie btw it was nice.

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It can work a few years ago I did that with a friend...

We just got out of relationships he was tired of being a bottom so one day while we were high I told him he could practice being a top on me if he really wanted to. He said since he fucked me that it gave him confidence to be a top this was years ago though we both in relationships and still friends... We act as if nothing ever happened... its funny because his ex was like when he was with me he was a bottom so now he a top wtf? :whistle:

FWB isn't a long term thing.... I enjoyed the movie btw it was nice.

Lmao 'practice' looool

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