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Writer tries to shade Janet based on her nutriSystem gig!!

King Baby

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We have all become accustomed to product placement in movies and on television. No can of soda, laptop computer, shirt, tie or knickers is ever worn without a deal in place with the manufacturer. Consider it a form of free subliminal advertising, though in some cases fees are actually paid to the production for the privilege, especially on big-ticket items like automobiles.

But rarely have I seen such a clumsy and egregious example of sponsored shilling than on last night's Tonight Show with Jay Leno, where singer/actress Janet Jackson couldn't manage to speak three sentences without mentioning the name of her latest corporate partnership, NutriSystem. Leno could have asked about the weather, her brother Michael's passing, anything— she just kept steering the conversation back to her beloved new diet plan.

Not that any appearance by any author, actor or demi-celebrity on any talk-show lacks a marketing agenda — someone always has a project or product they've come to flog. When Howard Stern agrees to do David Letterman, he usually has a new deal in place with his corporate radio masters, and does his darndest to mention it every 30 seconds or so. But at least he peppers his appearance with a little of the ribald humor and shocking self-confession that make him such a compelling guest.

As for Janet Jackson, whose métier has never been fluid conversation or self-revelation, she might as well have had a glowing neon NutriSystem hanging 'round her neck, so clumsy were her attempts to name-drop her sponsors. Obviously, getting her to do the show in the first place meant caving in to her demands to hype the diet plan — she even got Leno to do a lame medicine ball shtick with a personal trainer way too happy to be on national television. Embarrassing, Jay, and way beneath your pay-grade.

Mind you, the delightfully demure Ms. Jackson also had a personal appearance-themed book to hype, entitled True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself. While discussing this weighty tome with Leno, she confesses to having hired a chef's consultant, and you'd better believe she burns muchas calorias with that hammy personal trainer dude every day for two hours as well. NutriSystem may be a fine way to lose weight, but it also helps to be able to afford the considerable expense of chefs, chef's consultants and former marine drill sergeants.

Additionally, some commentators in the African-American community have warned that having women of color tout weight-loss miracles is dangerous for their younger peers. "I'm happy that these women have another way to promote their careers," said Fred Mwangaguhunga of the popular website MediaTakeout.com. "But I do worry that young girls of color will begin to look at these commercials and develop unhealthy ideas of what is beautiful and what's not. Young black girls don't really need anyone else telling them their looks and bodies aren't attractive."

Next time Ms. Jackson appears on television, the FCC ought to force her hosts into running a disclosure statement at the beginning like they do with infomercials: "The following is a paid advertisement. The claims and opinions expressed are those of the advertiser and not necessarily the views of blah-blah-blah." And a final Jerry Springer-like thought: Doesn't poor Janet have enough money in the bank already? Why stoop so unspeakably low to conquer? We love you, Janet, but just shut up and sing!

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Additionally, some commentators in the African-American community have warned that having women of color tout weight-loss miracles is dangerous for their younger peers. "I'm happy that these women have another way to promote their careers," said Fred Mwangaguhunga of the popular website MediaTakeout.com. "But I do worry that young girls of color will begin to look at these commercials and develop unhealthy ideas of what is beautiful and what's not. Young black girls don't really need anyone else telling them their looks and bodies aren't attractive."

:blink: WHAT!?!?!?!?!

so it's an unhealty idea to lose weight and exercise... yeah Fred has an agenda to keep black women fat and diabetic by 25

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