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Frank Ocean declaring bisexuality on upcoming album?


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Report: Frank Ocean “Reveals” Bisexuality On ‘Channel Orange’

frank ocean bisexual e1341263953358 Report: Frank Ocean Reveals Bisexuality On Channel Orange

The last year has seen soulful crooner Frank Ocean make his foray from the Underground into the mainstream; a process which looks set to culminate with the release of his debut album ‘Channel Orange’ (due July 17th).

Today saw the LP receive its London press playback, and oh did it serve up more than expected. See what we mean via Max/BBC 1 Xtra‘s preview below…

Excerpt via This is Max:

“Frank has also opened up about his sexuality on the album, we think it’s brave and admire him for being so honest and sharing such a personal aspect of his life through his music. On the songs ‘Bad Religion’ ‘Pink Matter and ‘Forrest Gump’ you can hear him sing about being in love and their are quite obvious words used like ‘him’ and not ‘her’.

In the world we live in now we can’t see this being an issue or why it should be?? But we do commend him for not continuing a facade and conforming to what a Hip Hop so called rule book expects, we say live your life and be yourself.”


Intriguing – even more so when considering that this could mean for strides in the “Urban diaspora”. For, having earned accolades a plenty in his short time “on the scene”, it’ll be uber interesting to see the mass reaction to his apparent declaration.

Whatever it is, we can only hope it’s one that isn’t hypocritical. For, any sudden jolts or negative OMG’s would be silly given that the industry has a pronounced “pink” presence – whether folk know or like it. It simply is what it is. If anything, Ocean should garner praise for actually “going there” – given that so many of his contemporaries don’t. Yuuup.

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I personally don't care either way; it's all about the music... and Nostalgia, ULTRA. was amazing! :excited: I had it on heavy rotation all last summer (discovered him through Tyler the Creator, who I discovered through Kanye's twitter lol). Very unique, talented artist. Looking forward to Channel Orange! :)

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Is his music good? I keep hearing about Frankky and Tyler and I know nothing about them

His music is for a certain taste. He's not bad but he doesn't really pull my interest. Seems more like a small label artist.

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If you heard Jay Z and Kanye's album "Watch the Throne" you've heard him. He's on like 4 songs on that album. He started out as a writer. You might have heard this song:

i live for both of those songs

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Thanks MissJia


Whoever you are, where ever you are, I’m starting to think we’re a lot alike. Human beings spinning on blackness. All wanting to be seen, touched, heard, paid attention to. My loved ones are everything to me here. In the last year or three, I’ve screamed at my creator, screamed at clouds in the sky for some explanation. Mercy maybe. For peace of mind to rain like Manna somehow.

Four summers ago, I met somebody. I was 19 years old; he was too. We spent that summer, and the summer after, together. Everyday almost. And on the days we were together, time would glide. Most of the day I’d see him and his smile. I’d hear his conversation and his silence until it was time to sleep. Sleep I would often share with him. By the time I realized I was in love, it was malignant. It was hopeless. It was no escaping, no negotiating with the feelings. No choice. It was my first love. It changed my life.

Back then, my mind would wander to the women I had been with, the ones I cared for and thought I was in love with. I reminisced about the sentimental songs I enjoyed when I was a teenager. The ones I played when I experienced a girlfriend for the first time. I realized they were written in a language I did not yet speak. I realized too much too quickly. Imagine being thrown from a plane. I wasn’t in a plane though. I was in a Nissan Maxima, the same car I packed up with bags and drove to Los Angeles in.

I sat there and told my friend how I felt. I wept as the words left my mouth. I grieved for them, knowing I could never take them back for myself. He patted my back. He said kind things. He did his best. But he wouldn’t admit the same.

He had to go back inside soon. It was late and his girlfriend was waiting for him upstairs. He wouldn’t tell me the truth about his feelings for me for another three years. I felt like I only imagined reciprocity for years. Now imagine being thrown from a cliff. No, I wasn’t on a cliff. I was still in my car telling myself it was gonna be fine and to take deep breaths. I took the breaths and carried on. I kept up a peculiar friendship with him because I couldn’t imagine keeping up my life without him. I struggled to master myself and my emotions. I wasn’t always successful.

The dance went on…I kept the rhythm for several summers after. It’s winter now. I’m typing this on a plane back to Los Angeles from New Orleans. I flew home for another marred Christmas. I have a window seat. It’s December 27th, 2011. By now I’ve written two albums. This being the second. I wrote to keep myself busy and sane. I wanted to created worlds that were rosier than mine. I tried to channel overwhelming emotions. I’m surprised at how far all of it has taken me.

Before writing this, I told some people my story. I’m sure these people kept me alive, kept me safe…sincerely, these are the folks I want to thank from the floor of my heart. Everyone of you knows who you are….

Great humans, probably angels. I don’t know what happens now, and that’s alright.

I don’t have any secrets I need kept anymore. There’s probably some small shit still, but you know what I mean. I was never alone, as much as I felt like it. As much as I still do sometimes. I never was. I don’t think I ever could be. Thanks.

To my first love, I’m grateful for you. Grateful that even though it wasn’t what I hoped for and even though it was never enough, it was. Some things never are…and we were. I won’t forget you. I won’t forget the summer. I’ll remember who I was when I met you. I’ll remember who you were and how we’ve both changed and stayed the same. I’ve never had more respect for life and living than I have right now.

Maybe it takes a near death experience to feel alive. Thanks.

To my mother, you raised me strong. I know I’m only brave because you were first, so thank you! All of you, for everything good. I feel like a free man. If I listen closely, I can hear the sky falling too.

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Someone on Twitter said that he could be talking about his father but I guess he skipped over the part where he said they were the same age.. lol

Four summers ago, I met somebody. I was 19 years old; he was too. We spent that summer, and the summer after, together. Everyday almost. And on the days we were together, time would glide. Most of the day I’d see him and his smile. I’d hear his conversation and his silence until it was time to sleep. Sleep I would often share with him. By the time I realized I was in love, it was malignant. It was hopeless. It was no escaping, no negotiating with the feelings. No choice. It was my first love. It changed my life.

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