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Everything posted by Kishi

  1. My favorite part of the album is Night to Take Me Away. These two tracks go so nicely next to each other, I love it!
  2. I love this open letter, very mature and well written. I can support thoughts and opinions when they're expressed like this.
  3. Kishi

    Hi, I'm Roc...

    Roc is everything. <3
  4. Now Zayn is the real deal. That's some music and vocals I can get into. "Befour", "Wrong", and "Bright" are my jams right now. I also love "She", "Drunk", "Rear View", "Do Something Good", "Intermission: flower", "Truth", "Tio (Take It Off)", and of course "PILLOWTALK".
  5. Bieber's voice is so ashy to me, I can't get into it. Austin is cuter and has a better voice, but he's not interesting and STILL hasn't released an album.
  6. The last two Friday nights.
  7. YEZ HENNY!! I have my opinion on MANY things, but I don't feel obligated to share them, especially on things I have no control over. My energy has always been geared towards acknowledging the good, improving the bad, and working on a solution. In this situation, I plan on supporting Janet in the best way I can and being kind/respectful to the fans, but I won't spend time participating in debates, it's not worth it to me.
  8. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!! Or they think "she's got money, she should pay for her own videos". HAHA!!!!! You better tell the truth. We'll still be seeing complaints three months and three years from now. End of thread, to be honest...I couldn't have worded it better myself. When exactly do we learn to let things go?
  9. I saw The Wanted live a few years ago and they had vocal talent. This was one of my favorite songs from last year. Nathan can SIIIING!
  10. I call it "reaching". Some of the fans like to rehash every misstep in Janet's career since it's their mad day.
  11. It takes me back to a good place, very cute song. I miss that urban, mid 2000's sound.
  12. The girls of today are reaping the benefits of the women before them. The divas from the 80's and 90's had a lot of tough competition and usually weren't favored, while today it's so much easier for the mainstream females to get nominated and win.
  13. Boundaries. I do think we have a right to voice our pleasure or displeasure on certain things, like the music and tour. But I don't think family planning is one of them. I'm going to sit this one out.
  14. I always hear BURNITUP! and the Katyranda remix of If at the bars and clubs. I think No Sleeep is still in the top 10 on UAC radio. I've been hearing it a lot lately too. Love Will Never Do Without You remix at Miami Pride yesterday.
  15. She did four shows in Las Vegas (it was originally going to be 5, but she ended up going to Indio, CA instead) for the UCAP tour, all sold out. I think Caesar's Palace would be a great idea. It seats close to 4,000 and big name acts make a FORTUNE. If she did 2-3 shows a week for a limited period of time (three to four months), it would be a success. I've seen that "planning a family meme" on Instagram and it's HILARIOUS! Many of you know that I'm overly optimistic. I love Janet and REALLY love the show. I go to many concerts and I'm part of a few different message boards, but there isn't that same sense of family and community with other fan bases and concert attendees. That alone is big reason for me to want this tour to continue, to meet more fans and make more friends. At most concerts, everyone keeps to their group of friends and isn't approachable. At Janet shows, whether you know of each other online or just waiting in line, the fans interact and socialize with each other. I've kept in touch with and spent time with many of them. She has some really great fans.
  16. SOME of us. I'd hire me, Angie, Bu, and Jarryl for sure.
  17. Janet and team need to hire some of us! Even though I feel most of the stans/fans are batshit crazy, it's only because we care. If she doesn't want to do interviews and the tour goes on as planned, they can't take the same approach and they have to do some tv performances. I'm extremely hopeful and optimistic that they don't take the silent approach. The tickets won't sell themselves. The album is AMAZING, but I'm not sure what the strategy is with singles. If I were them, I'd keep sending songs to radio. The European leg needs smaller venues and should take place in strong markets. There's got to be some sort of single releases in Europe if they plan on going back.
  18. I found this on Facebook: And Michael Rapino, the president of Live Nation tweeted: ".@JanetJackson Nothing is more important than family. Everyone @LiveNation is wishing you the best. Rest up and we'll see you on tour soon”
  19. This is exhausting. I love you Janet, be happy and do much better next time. I'm tired of reading everyone's thoughts and discussing the tour/cancellations and promo and religions and medical issues. See yall later.
  20. I personally don't care to see pictures of the baby. I just want Janet and Wissam to be healthy and happy as well as the child, no matter which process they've chosen.
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