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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Everybody knows I have a broad head, but it's beautiful which is what counts Go with it - it's time to get out on your own again. You will feel a lot better.
  2. You can't expect feedback - the could have 1000 applications, no company has the manpower to provide feedback. Some barely give feedback at the interview stage. You just have to get used to it! It's an employers market right now. Before they used to look for potential in a candidate that they would invest in, now they want someone who can walk in and do the job. Sorry about your rejections but you need to accept that it's how things work.
  3. thank you The ones of me jumping under some weird arches are ones that gaudi designed. It was my tribute to janet lol
  4. Agreed, and over here Mya was bigger than Ciara ever was, and for longer.
  5. When I was in Barcelona a couple of months ago I saw his work, I thought of janet lol
  6. Don't watch tv/go on the net etc in bed. Have a shower or bath and read a book in bed.
  7. Paul


    Everything is fine now......but what if someone got into power that wanted to restrict the freedoms of a particular group/subgroup with particular political leanings or skin colour etc. all the info is there at the click of a button. It's happened many times in history and we aren't immune from it.
  8. Trying to avoid getting served legal papers
  9. I knew she wasn't serious when baby face was called on to talk her around. The project and concept were already thought of by that point. They just needed an angle
  10. I always thought that if janet ignored them then so should I lol
  11. Chocolate - I eat it nearly every day (usually 2 bars) I've always loved it. I need to cut back though - so unhealthy!
  12. Whatever Paris did or didn't do, or Janet did or didn't do, Paris is a child who is obviously hurting. Your comments are uncalled for. It was clear even last year during the drama that things weren't right with her. She needs sympathy not attacks. I'm sure Janet wouldn't want you to imply that her niece deserves this in any way shape or form.
  13. I like the chorus - the raps don't seem to fit properly.
  14. Forbes need to get it together. They are only privy to the info of a FEW rich people who declare their information. The rest is guess work.
  15. I can because it was obvious she isn't. However technically if her husband is, then she is.
  16. I prefer party or geux heauuume but thus seems fun and catchy and maybe it's more of a grower. She sounds a lot more like Toni and Tamar with her tone on this track. I like that she's doing pop. The intro is a bit extra though
  17. So fresh and young looking loving the janet era hair colour
  18. How has no one said because of love?! That has the most harmonies and backgrounds our of any track!
  19. how will the fans of certain others cope with this news! Lol
  20. Calling someone a half breed is extremely offensive. A breed is a type of animal.
  21. I just love janet This and the comments in the other one "I have the final say" just goes to show how powerful and in control she is
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