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Everything posted by SianGracious

  1. I guess I'll pull one of Janet's move and just perform since I wasn't nominated for shit
  2. Why can't we like Kim and Nicki....is it because Nicki have you girls mad?
  3. :lol: :lol: Oh and that man Fantasia was seeing must got some good dick or something for her to agree to be his friend after he lied and on top of that there is a chance she could lose all of her money
  4. That has been a minute. :lol: I'm need for those niggas to hook back up with Janet
  5. This is some pure bullshit come on now Rihanna would not have went back with him if he was gay
  6. True. But the way you said it are you seeing married man? :lol:
  7. Something like that. I use to go in hard on Nicki but, she ended up growing on me
  8. Still I'm talking about how she had enough hype to be pulling in bigger number.
  9. IDK. But maybe you are ten seconds away from finding out. Oh well I don't care because I'm still sexy
  10. Her numbers should of been just a little bigger considering all the hype she had surrounding her
  11. She left out her two greatest songs. Wait a minute if this is her best what is her worst cause honey I only know about two tracks off that cd.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2dLNgRK0V4&feature=related
  13. I like that song but, the best song off that album is "He is"
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