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Keyshia Cole's NEW ALBUM COVER


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Well thats all ppl use her and Mary for...when they step outside of that ...no one cares. :lol: So its kinda good she's taking it back cuz I dont know who Keyshia was with these last two albums. :crazy:

:lmao: Not true AT. ALL. Well, in regards to Mary at least haha. People loved "Just Fine", and "Family Affair" is one her biggest hits of all time! Damn, I love that woman :) just recently started LOVING "Mr. Wrong", pretty sure it's going to rank real high on my favorite songs of the year list.

On a side note...D! How you been bruh?! It's been a while! :w00t:

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:lmao: Not true AT. ALL. Well, in regards to Mary at least haha. People loved "Just Fine", and "Family Affair" is one her biggest hits of all time! Damn, I love that woman :) just recently started LOVING "Mr. Wrong", pretty sure it's going to rank real high on my favorite songs of the year list.

On a side note...D! How you been bruh?! It's been a while! :w00t:

Well yeah..those were successful for her because they were kind like he most "crossover" sounding records she's ever done...but ppl relate the "he's cheating on me and I'm high ass a kit while he's beating my ass with mascara runnin down my face" records with Mary ..lol Its more of both of their signatures. You hear ppl all da time say "Mary's music was better when she was on drugs" .. I'm just sayin...ppl seem more connected to Keyshai and Mary when they are singing those songs that embody pain that women are so familiar with.

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I'm lookin for it too, cause lawd knows Ciara & Keyshia are in the same bucket to me, their 2nd albums were the only 1's worth my time really.

I love all of Keyshias albums. I just want new music asap lol. Did Rih leak yet?

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I love all of Keyshias albums. I just want new music asap lol. Did Rih leak yet?

Yea musically I put Keyshia before Ciara because I see the growth and expansion of her sound and image more in Keyshia, and point blank period, I enjoy Keyshia's albums more the 1st 2 I loved (especially the 2nd), the 3rd 1 I liked when it was new but then it sounded dated to me less than a year after, and that 4th 1.......um..........well I hope this album is great, I have a feeling it'll be better than the last 2, I think/HOPE the singles so far are a indication of that.

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The 4th album was VERY weak but Long Way Down and Take me Away are my jams lol. This album sounds promising - I've loved all of the songs I've heard so far (Enough of No Love, Trust & Believe and Zero).

Bu, we eye to eye on that entire comment lol YESSS abotu the 4th album as a whole, YES about Long way down & Take Me Aaway, and YES @ this new album sounding promising!

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