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Terry McMillan went off on twitter saying WILL AND JADA ARE "PIMPING" THEIR KIDS



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It feels like the Smith children are being pimped and exploited. Or, they're already hungry for fame. What about 4th grade?01/26/2011 6:46 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

The Smith children already act like child stars. There's an arrogance in their demeanor and behavior. I find it incredibly sad.01/26/2011 6:44 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

These kids don't already know what they "love". Total bullshit. They're not prodigies. They think Hollywood is real.01/26/2011 6:54 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

Okay. I've said enough about the Smith children. I'm not debating about them. It's just my opinion. People can justify anything, though.01/26/2011 7:04 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

Terry McMillan

Look at Lindsay. Phoenix. To name but a few. They miss out on childhood. It's more important than fame.01/26/2011 6:52 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

Why don't they do a remake of The Little Rascals and call it a day? Or, come up with an original film with some ethnic pride. Come on.01/26/2011 6:57 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan


So, I'm on blast? Too bad when I talk about what's happening in the government, the GOP, racism, love, etc., doesn't go viral.01/27/2011 6:03 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

I apologize for using the word pimp and exploit in referring to the Smith children. It was insensitive of me and wrong.01/27/2011 4:03 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

It is amazing, though, how fast an unflattering comment gets retweeted versus one that's flattering.01/27/2011 4:12 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

I'm done with this issue. My opinion isn't going to change anything.01/27/2011 4:13 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

And for those of you who were so offended by what I said or thought I was being disrespectful, unfollow me.01/27/2011 4:36 PM via webMsTerryMcMillan

I think of followers as friends I'm letting into my living room.We differ in opinion but aren't rude.Others:I wouldn't let in my front yard01/27/2011 6:12 PM via web


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I said shut up cause first off, is she crazy as hell? that gay dude got her all fucked up :coffee: anywho look at hollywood how many kids got on because of their parents, and Im talking white folks, folks like Tori Spelling and her Brother, they ugly as hell, yet Aaron made sure they got they coin, so if a black couple do it its wrong? What about Joe and Kathreen? I guess they pimped they whole family out then. I swear niggas is ignant yes I said IGNANT :filenails: ask her did she find a man that want pussy get yo house in order first

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Child stars have been around forever and will ALWAYS be so Im not seeing what the big issue is with Jaden and Willow.TALENTED KIDS GET INTO SHOW BUSINESS,NOTHING NEW

BUT I do agree that they both come off a lil too witty for kids (almost TOO GROWN)..but other than that ...I dunno

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Child stars have been around forever and will ALWAYS be so Im not seeing what the big issue is with Jaden and Willow.TALENTED KIDS GET INTO SHOW BUSINESS,NOTHING NEW

BUT I do agree that they both come off a lil too witty for kids (almost TOO GROWN)..but other than that ...I dunno

chile they are Will Smith and Jada's children what the fuck did ya'll expect, they act like everything I would expect, over confident and loud, fierce tho

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chile they are Will Smith and Jada's children what the fuck did ya'll expect, they act like everything I would expect, over confident and loud, fierce tho

I know!!!! :lol: I expected it too but it just throws you off at first becuz you dont see kids act like that everyday..but then you realize its Will and Jada's kids..then things start to make sense..

But Jaden is a lil firecracker tho..he's sumtin else :umm:

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I know!!!! :lol: I expected it too but it just throws you off at first becuz you dont see kids act like that everyday..but then you realize its Will and Jada's kids..then things start to make sense..

But Jaden is a lil firecracker tho..he's sumtin else :umm:

Rember lil trey :excited:


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Will and Jada "pimpin" those kids just like that noticeably gay man pimped your ass, huh Terry??? If she was going to make a point about children being in the business and her disapproval of that, fine. You don't go around using two CHILDREN as the basis of your argument using a public forum, and you definitely don't get Twitter and make negative comments about someone's parenting skills if the children have shown no publicly bad behavior. She could have saved the second half of her apology. All that talk about "people will talk...let em talk", Terry, i'm sure the Smith's feel the exact same way. Terry is an author, her usage of words are deliberate; she said what she meant and got angry when people told her it was inappropriate. My advice to Terry, grow the fuck up and save all the talk about "there a more important things in the world". Clearly, you felt it was important enough to comment on...Ho. Have. A. Seat.

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Will and Jada "pimpin" those kids just like that noticeably gay man pimped your ass, huh Terry??? If she was going to make a point about children being in the business and her disapproval of that, fine. You don't go around using two CHILDREN as the basis of your argument using a public forum, and you definitely don't get Twitter and make negative comments about someone's parenting skills if the children have shown no publicly bad behavior. She could have saved the second half of her apology. All that talk about "people will talk...let em talk", Terry, i'm sure the Smith's feel the exact same way. Terry is an author, her usage of words are deliberate; she said what she meant and got angry when people told her it was inappropriate. My advice to Terry, grow the fuck up and save all the talk about "there a more important things in the world". Clearly, you felt it was important enough to comment on...Ho. Have. A. Seat.


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It is no different than taking your kids to soccer practice or gymnastics meets or whatever else. Will and jada just happen to be in a position to facilitate their kids getting rarer opportunities than the average kid. And they actually have a talent why not develop it? If some normal kid has a talent for football and they love it shouldnt they follow it and get a scholarship maybe, who knows might go pro.

These kids clearly have a talent for the entertainment industry, both their parents are involved in it and can guide them I see no problem with it. If they are unhappy and being forced thats one thing. But, we havent seen anything to suggest that and Terry's ass sure hasnt.

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It is no different than taking your kids to soccer practice or gymnastics meets or whatever else. Will and jada just happen to be in a position to facilitate their kids getting rarer opportunities than the average kid. And they actually have a talent why not develop it? If some normal kid has a talent for football and they love it shouldnt they follow it and get a scholarship maybe, who knows might go pro.

These kids clearly have a talent for the entertainment industry, both their parents are involved in it and can guide them I see no problem with it. If they are unhappy and being forced thats one thing. But, we havent seen anything to suggest that and Terry's ass sure hasnt.


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