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Everything posted by RedSimba

  1. Finally got around to watching Guardians of the Galaxy. Great characters, awesome effects and battle scenes, I enjoyed it! A-
  2. Sounds great live! I'm glad she performed another Unbreakable track!
  3. Pretty different for her ~ I like the "Tyrone" reference
  4. Me too. I agree him the most on his positions and policies, which he's remained focused and consistent on for the past +30 years. I also respect how he's running a clean campaign free of attacks and SuperPACs (*saves rhyme* lol) With all this going for him, it's no surprise that he's been drawing the largest crowds at his rallies. I'm not worried about his electability either. He's actually polling better than Obama was at this point 8 years ago (29% vs. 25%), and he beats the GOP candidates in one-on-one polls. Latest poll has him 9 points ahead of Trump, so he's electable. I'm not suggesting that's a guarantee, Hillary's still the frontrunner, but I wouldn't write Bernie off just yet. (O'Malley on the other hand tho... lol)
  5. (aight lemme jump in again ) ...goes back to edit his post, but it's too late. Half the board had already seen the compromising message thanks to Austin immediately print-screening it. What he said was so earth-shattering, nobody could bring themselves to repeat it. However, I -the narrator- will tell you anyway. His post revealed...
  6. Yep, first thing in the morning tomorrow.
  7. Just punish the rest of the audience who wasted paid good money to see him... what a great guy lol
  8. I watched Beetlejuice last night. :thumbup: I've only seen the 2nd half, so it was about time I watched it from he beginning.
  9. If she had canceled on me, of course I'd be mad at the situation, but I'd also understand it's not her fault, it wasn't done with malicious intent, and that it was a very difficult decision to make. If anything, it just shows she wants to give us 110%!
  10. I prefer holiday music to be made for genuine purposes ~ to at least have some artistry behind it. Only then would she do it. I doubt she's interested at this point though, and that's fine.
  11. There's also this sorta outro after Gon B Alright ~ its like an AFY intro throwback lol.
  12. Don't care if it becomes a hit or not, but I'd love to see a music video for it.
  13. He just announced today we will NOT be running... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/joe-biden-president-2016_55f1cefbe4b093be51be0d69 I respect his decision.
  14. Im going with Enjoy too. One of my all time favorites
  15. That's why I've kept my tour vids private (it's not much footage anyway)
  16. Yeah the use of key changes is brilliant! I'd say it helps give the song that dreamy effect
  17. I guess I have an unfair advantage since I had 2 weeks to fully digest it, but right now I'd rank it around 4th place (a great result b/c I already consider the top 3 albums perfection). janet.Rhythm Nation 1814The Velvet RopeUnbreakableDamita JoControlAll For You20 Y.O.DisciplineDream StreetJanet Jackson
  18. I had another one in "Skin Game." I used to mishear it as "A mouse can beat the odds. No excuses."
  19. Just updated two of my quizzes to include the new songs... (Name any song A to Z) http://www.sporcle.com/games/redsimba88/janet-jackson-songs-a-z/ (Name all studio album songs) http://www.sporcle.com/games/redsimba88/janet_jackson_songs
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