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Say something nice/u admire about another member


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I need to go back and read the threads more, because I completely missed HotBooty's post :blush:

Thatotherfan~I remember telling you to post more. I've always tried to get the lurkers to post more. Thankfully, I did, but I didn't allow you to do to much. :coffee: Without you, there wouldn't be some of these members on here(truthfully). I know you are probably not like this online persona, but you have made me laugh numerous times. :wub:

Awww, thank you HotBooty (my new nickname for you :excited: )

Just some observations:

- Hendrika and Austineisha can be among the "funniest members" on this forum as long as I'm given credit as THE funniest member on this forum :coffee:

- Hendrika has NEVER snatched my ICONIC wig! :rolleyes:

- I'm so boring offline -_- lol

- You have a phat booty and you're a sweetheart! What more can a person ask for! :wub:

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IDrag4MJ - I love how you always get the girls together about Janet on Twitter. Especially that psycho @MsChivy4Justice. Janet obviously has her crazy ass bothered

She's bad? :unsure: I didn't know that :asham: I just started following her on Twitter not too long ago because of a few things she said about the trial :asham: Oh well -_- *unfollows*

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So I'm checking to see who has posted so far in this thread, and while I'm not done, I'm posting the ones I have completed. This is going to take awhile :lol:

Strawberry's Baby – You have such a sweet personality that is very endearing to others. Even though you tend to get picked on by certain people (Game), you still keep a certain sense of maturity about how you carry yourself and you’ve been able to blend well into the forum and make an impact in a rather quick way. In most instances, you come across as older than your age, but it just goes to show you’ve already began to incorporate your life experiences into how you interact with people.

Overit – I think regardless of when you post on impulse, I do feel like you bring a different perspective that is needed on this forum when you are able to present it in the right way. You also can be very sweet and kind unless you’re provoked :lol:

ThatOtherFan – It’s amazing to see your transformation. Your personality has grown over the years but the remaining constant has always been your loyalty to the Jacksons, namely Michael and Janet, and I’ve always admired how your loyalty has never wavered. When you get into extensive conversations with other members, it’s evident to see how level headed you are and how well versed you are in many types of conversation, and I think you provide an important voice to the forum.

jbailey – There’s so much more to you than you realize and I hope one day you will realize all the positives that you possess. You are very charming, funny, and you say some of the most unexpected stuff on here that you help to keep this forum on our toes. I never know what you’re going to say sometimes, and I think that’s a good thing. And on a personal level, you helped me to experience a very important Janet moment, and for that, I will always be thankful and I’m still in awe of your generosity. I can never thank you enough for what you did.

hotboy06 – HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MATA! The more I got to know you, the more I got to love ya! A TRUE fan and I love that you can bring a certain sense of being levelheadedness in heated debates and I can always count on you to provide objective analysis when needed. I do remember teaching you how to post a picture, and you’ve come a LONG way since then :lol: You have become a Forum Staple and your witty and clever comebacks are appreciated contributions among many that your provide to the board.

The Body That Loves Bu – Growing up. I remember when you first joined a few years back and there was a certain level of innocence, and I sensed a bit of uncertainty about yourself, and how you were going to fit in. You’ve really grown into your own person. You’re much more assured of yourself and your convictions and you’re more open to expressing and debating your point. You’ve gone from being a spectator to being an active participant. From laughing at other people’s posts, to creating posts that make others, including myself, laugh at. Seeing you become more comfortable with yourself at such a young age is admirable.

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Okay this is what I have for now; I will work on some more tomorrow :lol:

JoeJoe – Regardless of whatever the outcome may be, you’re not afraid to state your opinion and be done with it. You get a lot of flak on this board, but for the most part, you take it in stride. Most people would be offended by some of the stuff that is said about you, even if it is in a joking matter, but you handle it very well in my opinion. And Mary J. is not that bad :lol:

badgonegood – You’re such a sweetheart :blush: It’s been awhile since we’ve spoken but you have a sort of goofy way about you that I think comes across as endearing. I’m glad that you still come around to converse with us even though if half of the time, you’re shamelessly promoting your newest venture :lol:

LyricalLesson – You’re one of the most musically inclined people on here. You choose not to pigeon hole your musical interests in just a couple of genres, and I like that a lot. It’s clear that you are interested in learning about your own craft to help perfect your talents and that shows your dedication. You have such a cool demeanor; I can’t remember you ever going into a heated debate and you always seem to keep your wits about you.

iDayz – I don’t know if I’ve changed, if you’ve changed, or if we’ve both changed, but I see you differently from when you first joined. To me, you’ve mellowed out a lot. I look forward to reading your threads and your posts, and I like how you clearly are above the bullshit that can happen on here. It’s almost like you put yourself on another level to me than when you first joined and I respect your maturity and the ability to put things into perspective.

Selita Jo ^_^ - Persistent. You have been one of my most persistent and consistent moderators on here. And I know you take a lot of heat on here from members, but you continue to do this thankless job to the best of your ability. And for that, I truly thank you. You work hard to do what you, and it’s not always easy, but you are able to reflect and take the good and the bad and move on.

lexus97 – You provide a certain type of warmth that is missing from this forum. I think you do command a certain level of respect from forum members and I can easily see why. You respect others regardless of their positions, you offer great advice, and you come across as a classy and grown woman.

Escapade – I cannot claim that I know much about you, but from what I have read, you seem like such a sweet person. You don’t troll and instigate, but you appear to have a desire to make your voice known. I think with more time, your impact and your voice will be bigger.

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Dont put yourself down like that

People may, to use ur words, "forget about u", because u dont post as much as the others

Eh, yeah, but I'm not even really putting myself down. It's true. I'm not fishing for compliments when I say that. I sometimes want to post here more, but I don't know what I can add to the discussion (or, a lot of the time, I miss the boat on the random really active threads and completely lose track of what's going on). But thank you.

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Okay this is what I have for now; I will work on some more tomorrow :lol:

JoeJoe – Regardless of whatever the outcome may be, you’re not afraid to state your opinion and be done with it. You get a lot of flak on this board, but for the most part, you take it in stride. Most people would be offended by some of the stuff that is said about you, even if it is in a joking matter, but you handle it very well in my opinion. And Mary J. is not that bad :lol:

I'm glad you see this and the only 2 other people I think realize this is Dayz and Xternal :thumbup: I could care less what others think about what I say or do cause until it stops me from having the friends, family, happy life, and fun I have then why would I care? lol Notice how I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever start shit with anyone its always the other way around but yeah I pretty much like everybody. I don't even recall who I didn't like except for Kaleidescope or whatever name they choose next.

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Strawberry's Baby – You have such a sweet personality that is very endearing to others. Even though you tend to get picked on by certain people (Game), you still keep a certain sense of maturity about how you carry yourself and you’ve been able to blend well into the forum and make an impact in a rather quick way. In most instances, you come across as older than your age, but it just goes to show you’ve already began to incorporate your life experiences into how you interact with people.

:tear: :tear: :tear:

Thank you so much, Ms. Angie. It truly truly means alot coming from you :wub::cry: I'm so happy you can see this in me :blush:

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hotboy06 – HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MATA! The more I got to know you, the more I got to love ya! A TRUE fan and I love that you can bring a certain sense of being levelheadedness in heated debates and I can always count on you to provide objective analysis when needed. I do remember teaching you how to post a picture, and you’ve come a LONG way since then :lol: You have become a Forum Staple and your witty and clever comebacks are appreciated contributions among many that your provide to the board.

*SHIVERS @ that name* Thanks Bazooka tits! :wub::lol:

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