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Everything posted by BlackCat77

  1. I remember that because I was willing to buy some for each song if they were on iTunes. Spotify got a couple for NS but they were released past its peak. Were they played in clubs too? Because I don't think they appeared on the dance charts and both NS and BIU definitely would have been big hits / #1s if they were. True, I don't think she's too worried. She did change the link on her Twitter page to redirect to YouTube. Not sure if she did for Facebook though since it has about 6 million views there.
  2. Yeah I'd have to hear it in full first. That couple seconds wasn't enough. Hopefully is a somewhat different sound but we'll see soon
  3. October or November probably. Definitely in the fall. Between October 15th and November 19th
  4. It's like the perfect video she could have released right now! Looking and dancing great, Her boss moments are all over the vid, and they really hammer the songs message. it's simple yet effective!
  5. Wish them the best of luck for their journey! I'm glad she gets to have a child with someone she loves ?
  6. I think she sounds best when she does mid-high or higher notes. Those always stand out and she makes them sound nice-sometimes even easy. Her voice has also aged very well also. Examples: I Get Lonely, Rhythm Nation, He Doesn't Know I'm Alive, Black Cat, Escapade, I Know the Truth, Love Will Never Do and plenty of others. Her airy/breathy vocals are also really nice because her voice is soft and she's always been the best with harmonies. With All For You and Damita Jo she shows it a lot I think. Of course she's done them her entire career. Examples: All For You, FHTF, Anything, Feels So Right, China Love, Spending Time With You, All Nite, Make Me
  7. That's great news! Definetly close and would like to see something before the video is released
  8. Glad to see a visual! She looks good! They made way for the break down
  9. Right? Since when is it cute to meddle in someone's marriage? There was another chick who made a song called "sorry Mrs Carter" or something like that. What happened to her?
  10. It's number 1 on iTunes but it didn't start there
  11. It's annoying because it turns off people from Beyoncé when that happens and the fact they attacked the wrong person...
  12. That's terrible news. Very Shocking. RIP Prince
  13. ¿Hablando en español ahora? Haha ¡Qué divertido!
  14. I felt the same way about DRM, If and You want this haha. Pleasure Principle and Miss You Much were others I didn't like at first until I saw their videos
  15. Control started that "child star growing up/maturing" thing everyone does now, that Britney, Christina, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber among others have done in the years. Of course she wasn't exactly being sexual then but she I think she was still sexy anyway
  16. Madonna Nation? People on there are ridiculous/disgusting when it comes to Janet... But it's true I don't think Janet's mentioned there as much as Madonna is mentioned on here. But whatever it's all good but yeah that ATRL site is catastrophic
  17. I know how you feel Which songs? I'm curious because the same happened with me with some songs
  18. I forgot about this song! This fan made video works well with the song
  19. Really? Because whenever I see Janet mentioned or on a topic on a Madonna forum someone always attacks and call her names with no provocation. Not to mention the flooding Madonna fans do on Janet Billboard articles and YouTube videos. It makes her fans look very insecure when I see this- especially when I happens to others as well. I know what you mean though
  20. Didn't billboard already say that 80% of the 2nd US leg's ticket were already sold around October or something? Not that it changes the fact that the shows aren't happening
  21. Good for the OG Control to 1-up the other albums! Judging from winners and other nominees I'd say the got a picky and maybe ignored the others.
  22. When I first heard of the trailer I wa not going to even think about seeing. I saw it this weekend and It really wasn't awful at all. I even kind of like it and would get it on DVD. The bar was set really high especially with the previous Batman movies and actors. Connecting Superman and Batman seamlessly was probably where it struggled the most. The beginning is slow as well. Also, Lex Luthor was a bit too eccentric (and too young). There's no way a movie like this would have been made without thoughts of some continuation anyway
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