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WTF ..happened to my Madonna/N-word thread????


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Why the fuck would Janet be brought up in a thread about Madonna and the N-word? These ppl :mellow:

I guess some people are bashing Madonna and I guess he couldn't stand it. It also didn't help matters that TE kinda defended it (the bringing Janet into it)

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Honestly the thread didn't have to be hidden or deleted or whatever the fuck they did with it. Bailey pretty much said Madonna has had black dancers, black kids, and slept with black people so if she can't say it then who can? Then for some reason he said something like "Madonna is the Queen" and that he wished Janet was Queen instead and had to marry a Arab Billionaire to keep her in the life that she knows...pretty much saying Janet needed to marry Wissam to keep living the lavish life as if she didn't have hit movies and still accumulating money from dvds, albums, books sold, and just finish up a worldwide tour grossing millions of her own money, before she even married him. Also said how compared to Janet; Madonna has sold more albums, grossed more on tour, and other stuff. Basically shading Janet while Gerome, I, and a few other came to Janet's defense which I said Madonna may have done all that but Janet doesn't have to pay for dick like Madonna cause nobody wants to be with her. If Madonna didn't pay for dick she'd always be single...it's not like she was ever pretty.

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Did that break some kind of rule I'm not aware of? :blink: I didn't even get a chance to see the replies

Jbailey showed his ass for no reason other than being in his feelings because someone said Madonna is desperate to stay relevant.

He then proceeded to shade Janet, basically saying Madonna is queen, and Janet doesn't want it, hence why she supposedly married a Arab billionaire to maintain the life she's become accustomed to. Mind you, no one had mentioned Janet prior to that.

Then Matt defended bailey's fuckery...

There you have it.

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Bailey stays flip flopping between Janet and Madonna. Every since I've been on this board ..He'll have these moments where starts praising Madonna and throwing Janet under the bus but want to brag about how many Janet concerts he's attended to "prove" how much more of a Janet Stan.he is than the next mofo. Puh fuckin leezeeee. Janet stans don't throw her under the bus. It's one thing to have a critical opinion on Janet but not to big up someone else. No matter how much the comparing of Janet and Madonna is stuck in ppls heads. Janet is her own entity, judge her own het own merits not her so-called "rival" .. if we went our whole lives comparing ourselves to ppl... Juss think how miserable more ppl would be,some already are becuz of it. It's foolish and not very becoming of someone Bailey's age. Middle school mentality.

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sounds like Bailey got into his feelings. Im not here for people bashing the divine spirit known as Janhova on her own site. Real Queens don't have to seek attention on social media and make ignorant statements to get a rise out of people only to take it back and apologize for it. Real Queens are removed from the people, only speak when it is absolutely necessary and slay quietly when people least expect it. Janet is Queen.

I have no issue with Madonna using the n word, she meant no harm in it and there is so much illusion surrounding that word that its not even funny. She knows that and was seeking the attention that she got.

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Bailey stays flip flopping between Janet and Madonna. Every since I've been on this board ..He'll have these moments where starts praising Madonna and throwing Janet under the bus but want to brag about how many Janet concerts he's attended to "prove" how much more of a Janet Stan.he is than the next mofo. Puh fuckin leezeeee. Janet stans don't throw her under the bus. It's one thing to have a critical opinion on Janet but not to big up someone else. No matter how much the comparing of Janet and Madonna is stuck in ppls heads. Janet is her own entity, judge her own het own merits not her so-called "rival" .. if we went our whole lives comparing ourselves to ppl... Juss think how miserable more ppl would be,some already are becuz of it. It's foolish and not very becoming of someone Bailey's age. Middle school mentality.

sounds like Bailey got into his feelings. Im not here for people bashing the divine spirit known as Janhova on her own site. Real Queens don't have to seek attention on social media and make ignorant statements to get a rise out of people only to take it back and apologize for it. Real Queens are removed from the people, only speak when it is absolutely necessary and slay quietly when people least expect it. Janet is Queen.

I have no issue with Madonna using the n word, she meant no harm in it and there is so much illusion surrounding that word that its not even funny. She knows that and was seeking the attention that she got.

Both of these posts. Every single word.

The only reason I give Metamucil a pass is because I know she was doing it for attention and that she doesn't have single racist bone in her ancient body. lol

I also don't have an issue with anyone defending her, Bailey just crossed the line... however, it's not the first time he's trashed Janet in his attempt to stan for that prehistoric relic. :sigh:

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Yea same here, I didn't even post or care about the thread before that comment, cause we all know what that was, baiting, it's what Madge does, but Janet should've had NOTHING to do with it, especially in that sense. I mean "married to maintain her lifestyle"? REALLY? Besides how wrong it was what the hell did that have to do with Maddy's comment? It's Ok to have other faves, but downing Janet for them...I just dont like...and don't expect here

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Bailey stays flip flopping between Janet and Madonna. Every since I've been on this board ..He'll have these moments where starts praising Madonna and throwing Janet under the bus but want to brag about how many Janet concerts he's attended to "prove" how much more of a Janet Stan.he is than the next mofo. Puh fuckin leezeeee. Janet stans don't throw her under the bus. It's one thing to have a critical opinion on Janet but not to big up someone else. No matter how much the comparing of Janet and Madonna is stuck in ppls heads. Janet is her own entity, judge her own het own merits not her so-called "rival" .. if we went our whole lives comparing ourselves to ppl... Juss think how miserable more ppl would be,some already are becuz of it. It's foolish and not very becoming of someone Bailey's age. Middle school mentality.

and that's it. Janet is her own entity. As a fan of both, they are completely different and that's really due to their backgrounds. Madonna knows what it feels like to struggle and to starve, there is a hunger in her that drives her to be more successful than other people. She doesn't want to go back to that place where she had to do something strange for some change and believe me she has done it. Janet was born into royalty (like a real Queen) and never really had to 'want' for anything. She doesn't know what its like to starve or financially struggle. She was a very privileged child and more than likely got whatever she wanted growing up. Janet is driven, but not like Madonna...which is why Janet is okay with being away from the limelight for so long...she has been famous before people knew that Madonna existed. That's why I hate when people try to compare them and say that Janet needs to be more like Madonna. Its just not gonna happen.
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as opposed to just bashing someone over what was said, I will just say this, as anyone here loves Janet, I do, and having said that I truly apologize if anyone was offended by my words. I had no idea there was any reaction because I logged off. So to each and everyone of you perched in here, I did NOT intend to bash Janet although you may see it that way, I cannot control that.....now let's all move along

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