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Slightly off topic but did any UKers see the front page of the Metro today? A picture of Michael on his DEATH BED :mellow::umm: ...it was really disturbing and in such bad taste. This is a newspaper they give out free at the train stations so i saw it the whole way to work. Fucking ridiculous...i sent a very pissed email to them.

I dont know if this has printed anywhere else around the world but the British media disgust me.

I didn't see the Metro, but I saw The Sun... that was bad enough, but no more than I really expected. They didn't respect him in life, why would they in death? :sigh: At least The Times put a picture of Janet on their front page instead :lol:

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I don't think I'd blame Europe for the discrepancies of one nation. Britain has been that way for years now even with their own.

Ain't that the truth. The Sun, Daily Mirror and them went in on Rupert Murdoch and the hacking scandal and he owns the fucking company :lol:.

The sun had a massive picture of Janet on their feature page....Like a whole page size.

At work I deliberately left the page open on the tables when I left lmao.


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A summary for those that missed yesterday:

Points from Michael Amir testimony so far:

* Williams said no one -- other than Michael and the kids -- was allowed to the second floor of the house unless specifically asked... because MJ liked his privacy.

* Williams also said MJ was in good spirits on the evening of June 24, 2009... his last rehearsal. He said the rehearsal was "amazing."

* The following day, Williams received a panicked message from Murray at 12:13 pm saying, "call me right away." When he called back, Murray told him MJ had a "bad reaction" ... saying "get somebody here immediately."

* When he got there, the first thing he saw was MJ being brought out in a gurney. He said Murray seemed "frantic."

* Williams said after he learned of Michael's death, Murray came up to him and said there was "some cream Michael wouldn't want the world to know about." Murray asked him to drive him to the home so he could retrieve the "cream."

* After checking with MJ's head of security, Faheem Muhammad, the two decided not to let Murray back into the house...

* Williams said it was "normal" to have oxygen tanks in MJ's house.

* Williams told Ed Chernoff he never told police about Murray's odd request until two months after MJ's death.

Points from Faheem Muhammad's testimony

* Muhammad said he saw Murray's silver 645 BMW parked at MJ's house every night but did not know what Murray was treating him for.

* Muhammad was on his way to the bank when he got the call from Michael's assistant that he was having a bad reaction. He immediately called Derrick Cleveland, the security guard on duty -- to check up on MJ, then rushed back to the house.

* When he walked in he saw bodyguard Alberto Alvarez in the room. He could see MJ's feet and Murray -- who appeared to be giving MJ CPR.

* Once Muhammad walked around the bed he could see MJ who appeared to be dead.

* He then noticed Paris and Prince at the doorway. He said "Paris was on the ground balled up crying" and "Prince was shocked slowly crying."

* Muhammad quickly moved the kids away.

* Murray says that's when he heard Murray asking if anyone knew CPR. Alvarez came to his aid.

* Once they arrived at the hospital, Prince, Paris and Blanket were put into a room.

* Once MJ was pronounced dead, MJ's assistant relayed Murray's request to go back and retrieve the "cream."

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I'm confused about the timeline.

Alverez - bed, Muhammed - bed to floor, Williams - on gurney coming down the stairs

I guess he could have been on the bed when they saw Michael's feet (and presumably, the catheter) cuz Murray would have taken any blankets off in a panic to look at Michael.

Seeing him on the floor would make any visuals obvious..

What I'm confused about is who came in when and who saw what exactly:

Murray sees Michael. Murray panics.

Murray calls everybody and their momma instead of 911.

Alverez appears and sees Murray (on the phone?) performing his dumbass version of CPR on Michael, who's on the bed.

--Is this where the story of Murray telling Alverez to put the vials and bottles away fits in?--

Albertez gets in contact with 911, who directs Alverez to tell Murray to get Michael to the floor.

--Is this where Muhammad shows up? Between Murray starting CPR and this moment here, would explain Muhammad seeing Michael on the bed.--

So Murray gets Michael to the floor to perform CPR. Alverez is presumably still on the phone.

--Is this where Muhammad claims Murray asked for someone who knows CPR? (because even as a 'cardiologist', he doesn't know how to perform it)--

Muhammad is running in and out the room and up and down the stairs, to remove Prince and Paris. Ambulance arrives and Muhammad takes them upstairs to Michael, and possibly goes back to put the kids in the car.

--This is where the story from way back about the EMTs wanting to declare Michael gone in the bedroom, and Murray insisting on a pulse and demanding Michael be taken to the hospital, comes in, am I correct? Where apparently Michael was shot with some kind of adrenaline?--

Williams arrives just in time for the EMTs to bring Michael downstairs on the gurney and into the ambulance.

--This is where Murray has EMTs trying to resuscitate Michael with oxygen and CPR, from the bedroom all the way to the emergency room, right?--

Ambulance containing Michael and Murray leaves for hospital, with (Williams, Alverez, or Muhammad?) and children following in a separate car.

With new testimony coming everyday, the chronology is now confusing. This is just about what I can gather as a legitimate timeline starting with Murray discovering Michael, using what I already know and the trial's testimonies so far.

This is what's agreed between Fans, Prosecution and Defense as what happened, right. Is this correct?

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In case you didn't already know.

THE 12 Jurors

Juror No. 1: Mexican male, 51, U.S. Postal Service letter carrier, married father-of-five. A Michael Jackson fan who said he finds law enforcement officers, firefighters and doctors 'always believable'.

Juror No. 2: Spanish female, 57, unemployed. Has served on five previous juries and closely followed the O.J. Simpson trial but said it did not affect her opinion of the criminal justice system. She does not consider herself a Jackson fan.

Juror No. 3: American male, 45, a partner in a management consulting firm. His wife is a former registered nurse, and both his brother-in-law and cousin are physicians. He has served on two previous juries, including a murder case in 1994.

Juror No. 4: American male, 32, part-time bookseller and cashier. He served as a U.S. Army National Guard specialist as a telecom operator. His primary source of news is the Internet.

Juror No. 5: American female, 48, paralegal. She watched the Casey Anthony murder trial 'on and off' because family members were interested was very interested but said it did not affect her opinion of the criminal justice system.

Juror No. 6: Cuban/Mexican male, 39, associate director of product management. He is an occasional reader of various Internet news and gossip sites. He considers himself a Jackson fan and owns various Michael Jackson, Jackson 5 and Janet Jackson CDs.

Juror No. 7: Mexican American female, 57, relocation representative in office management/customer service. She followed the Casey Anthony case and believes people of wealth or fame are treated differently in the court system.

Juror No. 8: Mexican male, 42, school bus driver. He believes Hollywood celebrities get away with crimes because of their status. He does not consider himself a fan of Michael Jackson but has a positive opinion of him.

Juror No. 9: African American male, 54, television technical director. A Michael Jackson fan, he has served on two criminal juries and one civil jury.

Juror No. 10: English female, 43, international marketer but previously worked as a pathology/medical technician in a biochemistry lab.

Juror No. 11: Hispanic female, 36, customer service representative. She reads People magazine and TMZ.com and watches reality television. She was shot in a drive-by shooting in 1993.

Juror No. 12: American male, 54, retired animator now working as a teacher. He considers Michael Jackson a 'gifted performer' and has owned Jackson CDs and albums since he was a teenager.

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Alberto is on stand at the moment (MJ Security).

Alberto is confirming what the other witnesses have said so far about the June 24 rehearsal, that MJ was performing well and was energetic.they're talking about the route they took home after the rehearsal and that Alberto arrived home before MJ and noted that Conrad Murray's car was already there. He said that MJ arrived and followed the standard procedure of briefly talking to his fans at the gate and accepting gifts before finally going inside the house for the night. after the nightly debriefing in the security trailer, the security that were allowed to went home and he reported back to the house about 10:20am on June 25

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They're brought up a summary of Alberto's phone calls on June 25.

Alberto is recalling when Michael Amir Williams, MJ's personal assistant, called Alberto and told him to go inside the house to investigate Conrad Murray's call that MJ had had a "bad reaction"

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