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Reyna - Truly is one of the sweetest people on here & the first to welcome me in the PJ JanFam ^_^ I really think if we hung out IRL we'd hit it off right away. Drinks, jamming out to Jan all that good stuff.

& on a side-note I can see us dragging MaDust&Bones to the pits of tartarus together

*Janet pause, head tilt then smile*

Awww, thank you so much, my love :blush: We really would. Your craziness combined with my adventurous nature would just make us one hell of a team :lol:

Side note to the side note: And then taking the wig back to Queen Janhova as a prize. :thumbup:


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Dear Mattina (TE)

I like u. A lot. But I think there's been some friction between us over the past couple over months. I think I know what it's about - my bad moods, plus board stuff. But if we put that aside, we would get along heaps well, and enjoy each other's company. And I think we have a lot in common. Thank you for being so kind and nice to me @ the beginning - i remember that. I also appreciate all the news you give to the board - all the latest music news etc. Saves people having to find out through other means good.gif I'll talk to you more in PM. Whether I stick around is another question whistle.gifwhistle.gifwhistle.gifwhistle.gifblush.gif

This is so nice to read. And I'm liking our little PM chats. :lol:

TwistedElegance™ - I hate you. Why? Because people compliment my broad taste in music, and then when I look at yours, it makes mine feel like so narrow. :flipoff: It was definitely our love for music that brought us together, a true music lover. One thing I truly admire about you is your taste in music. Pop, R&B, Rock, Alternative Gospel, Traditional Chinese, etc, you love it all from what I can tell. Getting to know you over the years has been a lovely experience. I love your wit, your sarcasm, and this.

I hate you too. :wub:

Really though, thank you for this. :blush:

These truly mean a lot coming from you all, much acknowledged and reciprocated.

And Matt, nooo! :asham: I don't even want to think of the bullshit I spewed back then. But I do remember hating Kanye with a passion.

:asham: I cringe when I think back to some of my earlier posts too. I used to go hard for Kanye in those days. >_<:lol:

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Hotboy - I don't know what it is, but it's something about you I liked from the start (not your stanship of the goat). But you just seem.....I don't know, Big Brother-y?

I can't remember the name, but it was someone on here that stanned for the Good King JesuSher....& THAT'S enough for me :thumbup:

Hope I get to know more of y'all in the future


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: @ that name and that gif.

Thank you honey. :blush:

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To everyone who took their time out of their precious day to set aside how much of a self-absorbed cunt I can be on there, I appreciate it. :tear:


Please understand, that nothing I say is meant to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, some people take the internet WAAAAAY too seriously, and feel the need to assert themselves.


So once again, thank you to everyone to participated. :blush::tear:


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Uncanny pic usage. -_-

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hotboy06 - Someone I confide in here on the board, being an older member. Although not in literal age, I am there with you in spirit. *dusts off my mustard yellow leisure suit* I appreciate older fans like yourself because they teach me how things were when Janet raised music from the dead was on the come up in 1986. However, I will not take too much more of your 70s queen reads and shade.


I pride myself in growing up with Janhova(musically). Also, I like to see the youngins who have studied her career and realized how badly she shat on bitches. For the ones who haven't accepted her as their savior, should repent for their sin. :coffee:

And you will continue to be unhinged on my reads and shade. :coffee:

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I pride myself in growing up with Janhova(musically). Also, I like to see the youngins who have studied her career and realized how badly she shat on bitches. For the ones who haven't accepted her as their savior, should repent for their sin. :coffee:

And you will continue to be unhinged on my reads and shade. :coffee:


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Awww, thank you so much, my love :blush: We really would. Your craziness combined with my adventurous nature would just make us one hell of a team :lol:

Side note to the side note: And then taking the wig back to Queen Janhova as a prize. :thumbup:


:wub: :wub: :wub:

Like Janet doesn't already have enough of Methuseladonna's dusty, thinning wigs. But we'll just present it to her just for kii's


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: @ that name and that gif.

Thank you honey. :blush:


YW :wub:

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art. – Bold. You are unafraid to offer your opinion regardless of how well it will or will not be perceived. And, you’re willing to stick around and defend it. It brings a certain sassiness and fierceness that is needed on this forum, and it helps to keep people on their toes. And I still remember your investigative work ;)

art. - much like Game and Reyna, I can't stand your ass because you always find it necessary to challenge me when I wish you would just STFU and accept what I say as fact. <_< You've been my favorite "new" member since way back when...2009? Nothing has changed since then, and you're still one of my favorite people here.


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ThatOtherFan – It’s amazing to see your transformation. Your personality has grown over the years but the remaining constant has always been your loyalty to the Jacksons, namely Michael and Janet, and I’ve always admired how your loyalty has never wavered. When you get into extensive conversations with other members, it’s evident to see how level headed you are and how well versed you are in many types of conversation, and I think you provide an important voice to the forum.

I need to remind myself to go back and read threads sometimes, because I would have TOTALLY missed this is I hadn't.

Thank you Angie! :wub:

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Selita Jo - sometimes I think you're a Black woman. IDK why. I'm not sure if it's your snappy retorts, or your love for "Black" genres of music. But I just enjoy you overall. I like how we just kinda click, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you.

:lmao: :lmao:

For the second part - thank you so much :tear:

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I'd like to start by saying that I've more or less kept to myself for the time that I've been on this forum. I practically lived in the other General Discussion forum and therefore have only really gotten to know a few select members. So although these next few blurbs (so to speak) may be shorter than others, I can assure you that I mean every word.

Angie - You have a good head on your shoulders and I really admire that about you. I also love the real and down-to-earth attitude that you bring to the forum. And yes, I used to be the terror of my local Cold Stone. :asham:

Henry - You've grown a lot over the past few years. I'm glad to see you succeeding in life and I genuinely hope that never ends for you.

Andy - I'd like to thank you for being so welcoming to me back when I was an annoying newbie. You have the kindest heart on the forum and I'm glad to see that you haven't changed.

Roc - I honestly don't know what this place would be like without you. You're hilarious and you still manage to shock me with some of the insane shit you post. :lol: But on a more serious note, you've always made me feel like someone was there to listen when I thought no one else was. Thanks for being such a loveable creeper. ^_^

Austin - Our tireless rebutter. :blush: I love your sense of humor and I'm grateful for the knowledge you bring to the forum.

Bu - I remember when you were a newbie. :lol: You've come a long way on here and I'm glad you stuck around after all this time.

William - I've already embarrassed you on Pulse so I won't do it again on here. :lol: But I would like to say that through all of the shenanigans we’ve taken part in over the last five years, it's a crime that I haven’t opened up to you as much. I'd like to work on that.

I'll post ~sum moar~ in the next few hours or so.

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